Losing on a reset?!?!

wa_tracy Posts: 110 Member
A few days ago I noticed a little bit of a loss....and it's still a loss today. I've lost 0.6lbs and I'm almost two weeks into a reset. I exercised 2.5 hours last week so I have the right setting on the scooby site. I'm wondering if I should up my calories or if a small loss like this is OK to do on a reset. I'm mixing workouts with c25k some days and 30 day shred/ripped in 30 days for circuit training. I've been good about protein intake after workouts so I suppose I'm building more muscle, and isn't building muscles associated with boosting metabolism? Any thoughts on this would be great. Thanks :)


    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    I had a 1# loss my first week in, and moved to the next higher activity bracket. I've had slight gains in the next 3 weeks (+.4,+.2,+.6),
    so up a total of .2. Maybe try going up 100 cals?
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I would wait and see if you lose for another week. A reset isn't specifically designed to gain weight... it's supposed to be eating at maintenance. So if after 2 weeks you lose .6, it's really no different than gaining .6, which, when you're maintaining your weight, will be perfectly normal. Fluctuations within 1 lbs are what maintenance looks like... even within 2 lbs sometimes.