superset/alternating sets

girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
edited December 23 in Social Groups
Just a question regarding the alternating sets, are these supersets, i.e. no rest in between or do you do one set then rest 60 secs then do the other set?

From what I read in the book it says rest, but then people refer to them as supersets? :)


  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    They are not true super sets. They are alternating sets- do #1, rest, do # 2, rest, do #1 , rest, do #2 rest, move to #3.If that was to be done in 2 sets.Hope this helps.
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    thanks, that's what I was doing :)
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    most of the time i forgot to alternate in stage 1...

    does it really make a difference?
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    Alternating gives the muscles that you worked on the first exercise enough rest so they can perform to their optimum ability. If the rest periods are too short between sets , the muscles don't have a chance to recover for the next set.
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