Question for NRLFW people.

listabit Posts: 28 Member
I'm just about to finish level one workout 7 of NRLFW, but I'm leaving on a ten day vacation (NYC and New England!) I won't be able to lift while away. What should I do when I get back? Start back at stage one workout 8 with previous weight loads? (ouch!) Do the last workout with lower weights? Or, just move on to the next stage. I'm inclined to just move on to Stage two, but wanted some opinions.


  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I had to take 8 days off due to an injury and I just went right back to my regular weights and actually I was able to increase. I think the break helped my muscles to strengthen!
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Do you have bands? If so, bring those with you, and you can do just about anything!
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    I had to take a week off because I was sick and was able to jump right back in AND up some of my weights from where I was at. Rest, it does a body good.