another "am I doing this right" question.....

ralena Posts: 29 Member
Hi All, started this yesterday! I thought if i had to eat another bite I would puke. Thought I would make sure my numbers are correct and I'm doing things right!
I have seen some say you add 200 for days you lift?? Also after struggling to eat so much yesterday, I just redid my scooby thing today to make sure i was right....
I WAS WRONG! Maybe I had it set for a male? or something..but today its much lower then it was yesterday! UGH!!! HELP!

BMR 1247
TDEE 1934

I lift 3 days a week and do 40 mins of cardio. alternating days I do yoga 2 days. Sometimes I will add cardio on Saturday as well.
So, if I burn approx 400 calories, and I am suppose to eat 1644... Do I need to eat 2044??! Then add another 200 for lifting...2244??
when I was going by reg MFP I estimate that I was eating 1400 - 400 workout= 1000.

So everyday I should eat 1644 OR 1644 plus all my exercise calories AND 200 on lift days???
As long as I don't go under 1247 plus workout??? *sigh*

Here are my stats..

48 yr old woman
moderate exercise
3 days of cardio/lifting
2 days of yoga


  • rotnkat
    rotnkat Posts: 393 Member
    Hi All, started this yesterday! I thought if i had to eat another bite I would puke. Thought I would make sure my numbers are correct and I'm doing things right!
    I have seen some say you add 200 for days you lift?? Also after struggling to eat so much yesterday, I just redid my scooby thing today to make sure i was right....
    I WAS WRONG! Maybe I had it set for a male? or something..but today its much lower then it was yesterday! UGH!!! HELP!

    BMR 1247
    TDEE 1934
    CUT TDEE 1644

    I lift 3 days a week and do 40 mins of cardio. alternating days I do yoga 2 days. Sometimes I will add cardio on Saturday as well.
    So, if I burn approx 400 calories, and I am suppose to eat 1644... Do I need to eat 2044??! Then add another 200 for lifting...2244??
    when I was going by reg MFP I estimate that I was eating 1400 - 400 workout= 1000.

    So everyday I should eat 1644 OR 1644 plus all my exercise calories AND 200 on lift days???
    As long as I don't go under 1247 plus workout??? *sigh*

    Here are my stats..

    48 yr old woman
    moderate exercise
    3 days of cardio/lifting
    2 days of yoga

    I ran your #'s and this is what I came up with.

    BMR= 1433

    TDEE= 2222

    15% cut= 1888 Eat this amount even on days you don't work out.

    Now if your workout is extra strenuous and it takes you below your BMR you have to eat more to net at least your BMR. For example you do a spinning class and you burn 500 calories during the workout, so that would take you to below your BMR of 1433. 1888-500 (exercise)= 1388 (45 calories below your BMR). So you need to eat 1888+45 to net your BMR

    1888-500+45 = 1433 (Your BMR) Make sense?
  • GoGoGadgetMum
    GoGoGadgetMum Posts: 292 Member

    I put this into scooby

    48 y female
    160 lb
    67inches( I had to convert but I think it's right)
    Moderate activity
    15%cut which is what is recommended
    I got

    Bmr 1433
    Tdee 2222
    15% cut 1888

    So you would eat 1888 everyday BUT if your burn got your net under bmr, so if you burned more than 455 cals in exercise in a day then you would have to eat back cals to make you net or go over bmr.

    I think the rules of lifting for woman have you eating 200 extra and they suggest make it up in a protein shake. I don't use their calorie guide as it was to low for me as I hit the next age bracket....grrr. I lift 3 times a week for about an hour each.

    Someone else may come in with more info or correct me.

    I truly think once you do it for a bit you start to listen to your body and tweak things for yourself to find your sweet spot.

    Macros are suggested at 40c 30p 30f. For me my protein usually sits at about 28 % which works well for me and equals about 1g per lb body weight. I found if I try and hit 30% of daily calories I was neglecting healthy fruit and I love fruit.

    I hope this helps you.
  • ralena
    ralena Posts: 29 Member
    THANK YOU!!! I kept running it through scooby so many times... cause I didn't believe it. Then today I did it again, only this time I put my height in inches... in the Cent. column. Duh. I am glad I only have to eat back workout calories IF I go below BMR!! Again..thank you!
  • ralena
    ralena Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks.. I found where I messed it up. Re entering info , leads to mistakes. Especially if you redo it 20 times lol. I noticed a couple times, weeks that I had been on vacation and ate more... I would lose weight those weeks. So when I saw the EM2LW group, I had to check it out. I think I have found my new home! :)