eating more/hungry all the time

ddiestler Posts: 353 Member
After doing the absolute worst thing possible...eating 1200 calories..working out and NOT eating exercise calories back, I decided to try the EMTL. Initially I did gain a few pounds but as of today it looks like the scale MIGHT be budging. I have been pretty consistent in eating 1400 calories a day.

However, I find I am now always hungry. When I was eating 1200 I had a hard time getting that many in somedays. Could it be my metobilism starting to work properly?

I also work out quite a bit. I run 3 days a week and do some other cardio to total an hour. Today, my wife and I biked 10 miles!

Any suggestions?


  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    That's awesome! It's a very good sign that your metabolism is kicking back in!! It should ease off and normalize after a while, but be prepared to feel like eating everything in sight for a while. :smile: