7.5 weeks in - am I swollen?

Hi everyone,

So I posted a couple weeks ago that I had lost an inch off of my waist. Well, then right after it was my TOM but that was now a week ago. Anyway, I swear I ballooned up with water these last few days.

My therapist, who works with the Eating Disorder unit in a nearby psych place, says she's seen this happen. That girls (it's mostly gals) will be on normal cals for a few weeks or months, then have a bit of a relapse and either purge or restrict. BAM. They balloon up. She said one girl purged and gained 10 pounds likethat. It took a week to go back down.

Last weekend I was very busy and not consistent about getting enough cals. I should be eating 2200 (as a cut) according to BMF numbers, but it scares me enough to eat 2000. So I try. But failed last weekend. Usually eating very little all day then drinking a giant pb and protein shake to get to 1500. Also little sleep.

Then Tuesday I did my weights and really pushed - 50 lb squats! Yay!

Now I'm swollen. And my intestinal area keeps rumbling...

ANyone else have anything like this happen? Wanna tell me to hang in there?

Is it the combination of pushing harder with weights (I'm on week three of the Chalean PUSH month. Heavy weights, 6-8 reps) and having a bad wekeend?




  • CleanandLean33
    Sounds like it might be a mix of inconsistency with your numbers, perhaps a bit much sodium and heavier lifts and changes in hormones...!!??

    I certainly hold extra water and bloat after hard workout.
    I also dip in weight n feel very lean just after totm which then evens out as my cycle carries on
    I notice eating inconsistent kcal... Spiking or going far too low e.g 1500 also maybe eating irregualy across the day leads to bloat or gain.... Not sure which

    My advice would be put on your favourite non clingy top, stay off the scale for a few days and get back to consistent kcal and healthy regular meals, keep lifting and taking rest days and I reckon things will look after themselves :-)
  • nyspotlight
    nyspotlight Posts: 124
    Yeah, I'm trying to ignore it.

    I haven't been spiking at all - I don't go above 2200. But there were days I was under.

    I'm off to the grocery store to get some things to have around so it doesn't happen again this weekend!

    Also - I don't eat much sodium. Mostly I only eat what I cook, no packaged foods. And I specifically order protein powder with nothing added.

    Hormones, though - totally possible. Oy.
  • mturgeon05
    mturgeon05 Posts: 204
    I am experiencing the same thing. Last week I was at a conference for 3 days and ate a bit over TDEE....not a big deal. Got right back to normal habits on Saturday, but on Monday I got severely bloated and felt awful. That has continued all week, I am up 4 pounds on the scale, and my clothes aren't fitting. My TOM is next week, so I am hoping it evens out soon!

    Good luck :smile: