Some Clarification Please!

jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
My TDEE is 2183 (light exercise 1 - 3times per week)
My BMR: 1580
Calories: 1720

Hopefully I don't come off sounding insanely stupid, but here goes nothing.

So, I understand that I am not supposed to net under my BMR, however, I have also heard I am never supposed to eat over my TDEE. But, what happens if I need to eat over my TDEE in order to reach my BMR? Basically I heard I'm not supposed to eat over my TDEE regardless of where I am netting after exercise.

Confused! HELP!


  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Your TDEE is an average. So on a day you work out harder than usual (say, a friend invites you for a 3 hour bike ride and you burn 1200 calories)... you would then eat to net your BMR... so you'd have to eat BMR+Exercise regardless of your cut amount.
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Oh okay, so it doesn't matter if I eat over my TDEE on days where I'm exercising? (I'm talking gross not net)
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Well, you're not eating your cut calories plus your workout. TDEE means Total Daily Energy Expenditure... which includes your workouts, hence having added it in to your calculation (the light exercise 1-3 times per week). So usually you will just eat your 1720 every day and make sure you actually *do* 1-3 light workouts per week. If you suddenly throw in a full day hike or something, you can adjust as needed, but basically you won't likely have to adjust anything as long as you're just carrying on as usual. Try not to over think it. Aim for 1720 daily, work out 1-3 times per week. What you're doing by eating the same amount every day is taking your exercise calories and spreading a few out over all 7 days of the week. So there isn't a whole lot of fluctuation or wiggle room with 1-3 light workouts per week.

    If you eat between 1580 and 2183 each day you should lose weight.