jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
I have been following the reset for two weeks now and i feel disgusting and bloated. i think i am ready to cut my calories back. any advice?


  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    Keep at it. It's worth it! It is not gonna be easy, but most things worth fighting for aren't. Any of us that have done the reset have been there, so you are not alone. It will take time for your body to fully comprehend what's happening, but consider the alternative. A lifetime of bondage to lower cals is not worth the temporary drop on the scale you may get from lowering cals. Think long term. This is such a small part of your entire life, in the grand scheme.

    I'd also suggest a good digestive enzyme if you aren't taking one already.

    Stick it out. You are worth it. :flowerforyou:

  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I have been following the reset for two weeks now and i feel disgusting and bloated. i think i am ready to cut my calories back. any advice?

    My advice.. dont do it.

    You are not giving your body enough time to adjust to the higher calories. This is not a race.. and you need to give it time. Two weeks of higher calories is not going to be enough to convince your body that you arent just binging right now.
    Give it time. We all go through this horrible phase in the beginning weeks where we struggle to jump back down to low cals again. You wanted to do this for a reason. Remember that reason and know that you have to be patient and allow your body the correct reset and repair time.
  • KarinFit4Life
    KarinFit4Life Posts: 424 Member
    Did u read the support group thread?
    You are still in the early stage and its all normal and expected, dont give up yet!
    Go read the support group and post there, the lovely ladies there will ease your worries. :-)
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    I have been following the reset for two weeks now and i feel disgusting and bloated. i think i am ready to cut my calories back. any advice?

    My advice.. dont do it.

    You are not giving your body enough time to adjust to the higher calories. This is not a race.. and you need to give it time. Two weeks of higher calories is not going to be enough to convince your body that you arent just binging right now.
    Give it time. We all go through this horrible phase in the beginning weeks where we struggle to jump back down to low cals again. You wanted to do this for a reason. Remember that reason and know that you have to be patient and allow your body the correct reset and repair time.

    I don;t think I was ever a real low cal girl ever!! Sure maybe for 2 or 3 weeks at a time but always followed by huge sugar binges, Which i still can't fully control. but I feeling gross, fat and bloated. I also started NROLFW which i find doesn't challenge me enough I was already lifting heavy in the tradional split way upper / lower splits 5 days a week. So the lessened cardio and weakened weight training mixed with eating more has left me feeling like i'm gonna gain a ton of weight. I am so scared to step on the scale
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    Ignore the scale.
    Ignore the bloat.

    Push through it.

    My bloat lasted OVER 2 weeks. Matter of fact I really didn't start feeling good until about a week ago in terms of food intake, bloat, etc. I've been at this for 6 weeks.

    The positives: I am stronger, faster, more agile, more flexible, happier, more positive... the list NEVER ENDS. Everything has improved beyond measure.

    Yes you feel bloated and discouraged - we ALL did at one point. You owe it to yourself to push through it and get to the next phase. Trust me it all gets so much easier once you break the bloat. And it's in your reach. Stick with it TRUST ME! And if you don't trust me and my results, trust everyone else who has had success.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Don't give up.

    I know how you are feeling. But it will get better with time, you'll see.

    As for the lifting-if you feel it is not challenging for you, just do what you did before. You don't have to follow NROLFW.
    There are a lot of people on here doing different lifting programmes or DVD's.

    Just don't give up. It's just a few weeks, and even if they seem like an eternity you will be happy at the end, that you didn't quit. It's mentally draining and takes a lot of strength to keep it up, but YOU are STRONG.
  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
    Keep at it. It's worth it! It is not gonna be easy, but most things worth fighting for aren't. Any of us that have done the reset have been there, so you are not alone. It will take time for your body to fully comprehend what's happening, but consider the alternative. A lifetime of bondage to lower cals is not worth the temporary drop on the scale you may get from lowering cals. Think long term. This is such a small part of your entire life, in the grand scheme.

    I'd also suggest a good digestive enzyme if you aren't taking one already.

    Stick it out. You are worth it. :flowerforyou:


    What digestive enzyme do you suggest? and what are the benefits of it?
  • kslappy
    kslappy Posts: 9 Member
    I have been following the reset for two weeks now and i feel disgusting and bloated. i think i am ready to cut my calories back. any advice?

    Push through! I too was struggling at this whole reset thing and so many calories (to me) to eat in a day. I'm at 1,800 per day and I was eating between 1,000 and 1,100. It's been two weeks and I've felt tired and bloated as well but today I weighed myself and I'm down a pound. The reset does work it just takes time.

    Hang in there!
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Definitly push through! Dont give up! You need at least 6-8 weeks for your body to re-adjust during this time!

  • terrigrace
    terrigrace Posts: 199 Member
    Just echoing what everyone else it saying . . . don't give up. You can expect a gain and bloating at first. It will pass, your energy level will feel amazing, and you'll get into the groove. Hang in there! 4 weeks at least, 8 if you can. I'm going to do the full 8, only because I'm at the point where I'm enjoying eating and maintaining way to much right now. Maybe not completely, I think my poor metabolism had been beat up so much I need the full 8. Good luck! Hang in there!
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    Hang in There!! Your body is adjusting, those feelings will pass. :-)
  • divediva2
    divediva2 Posts: 297 Member
    My question to you is what kind of foods are you eating right now? If you eat foods that have a lot of sodium in them or use a lot of salt on your foods, cut back on that right now. Try and eat as many non processed foods as you can. I know that can be difficult especially if you are busy and working but do try. If you have just started eating lots of veggies and are not used to it you can feel quite bloated, drinking water is really important. Are you getting your healthy oils in? You need those oils and fats as part of a good balance and also to, ahem, lube things up. Helps to keep the system moving right along. If that department is backed up you will be bloated and uncomfortable.

    Digestive enzymes are helpful. I don't use them myself but you could go to a natural food store or pharmacist to discuss the merits and find one to suit you.

    Don't give up yet. I used to be a sweets binger, in fact I would chow down on anything that was food. I started this on May 1st and I feel great. I am not hungry any more, I sleep better, I am not bloated, I don't crave anything. I enjoy my meals and do not feel deprived. Food no longer rules my life, it is no longer my enemy. I have lost 5 lbs. I have energy. I feel optimistic that this is it. I will be healthy. I don't even worry about the scale number now, it is a number. i like how I feel. I am now strength training because I now have the energy to do so! Please don't give up. Keep reading the sticky pin notes for some support. Watch the videos, that is how I got through the first 4 weeks when I had doubts, because I did. I am so glad I stuck it out now! You will be too.
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Like everyone else has said...Hang with us! It wasn't until I started week 4 (just this week) that I finally felt things normalizing and not feeling ICKY. I also agree with others that if NROWLFW is too easy, go back to what you were doing before! Also, keeping your cardio is fine, just don't net below your BMR.

    Papaya enzymes are wonderful to keep foods moving through. Get the chewable kind. They are tasty, too! And drink at least 12- 8oz cups of water a day. That will also help with bloat and swelling due to heat and salt.

    We are all in this together and we all know what you're going through. My meltdown week was last week. If we don't stick it out, we will never know if it would have worked for us. (((HUGS))