Taking days off?

bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
As you all know I have been struggling a bit with a moderate injury (at home rehab). Anyway I am curious on how everyone feels about taking extra rest days? I'm so results and goal driven that not doing something that causes the "burn" really bothers me and makes me feel like a lazy sod.

How much muscle can one lose by taking off 2 weeks of working our a muscle group?

How do you cope with off days/injury time without feeling immense guilt and pressure on ones self?


  • Glitter969
    Glitter969 Posts: 77 Member
    Until someone else who knows more comes along I'll share what I know. I took 2 weeks off from lifting because of a holiday and this week during my first session back my trainer told me not to worry if I feel weaker, I will be back to my old self within 2 sessions.

    To maybe offer a different possibility as to your emotional reaction, I would say remember that exercise has positive physiological / chemical benefits which you are not getting at the moment. So it may not only be about getting over guilt but also not getting your endorphin kick :smile: I find that it is easier to be kind to myself if I can understand why I am sitting with certain emotions, hope this helps you too.

    Edited to add good luck on your recovery!
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Take your time to recover.

    I know it is hard, but your body needs a lot of energy for the healing process itself. I would not worry too much about two weeks. You will come back even stronger :)
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    I can't imagine, unless you drop down to a big deficit, that too much will be lost! Take care of yourself :)
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    As you all know I have been struggling a bit with a moderate injury (at home rehab). Anyway I am curious on how everyone feels about taking extra rest days? I'm so results and goal driven that not doing something that causes the "burn" really bothers me and makes me feel like a lazy sod.

    How much muscle can one lose by taking off 2 weeks of working our a muscle group?

    How do you cope with off days/injury time without feeling immense guilt and pressure on ones self?

    Keep your protein macro in tip top shape, eat enough cals and you'll be fine. You might lose some size but muscle memory will have that regained in a few sessions when you get back.

    Perhaps take a 'non workout workout' approach. Workout that muscle group but by learning more about it, preventing injury to it in the future, specific rehab exercises and soft tissue work.

    Another thing to think about - most plans have you take at least a week break every few months. The body needs it to prevent injury and replenish the shelves so to speak.