Have I given it long enough???

saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
This is my first real post here in EM2WL...I'm stumped, baffled, frustrated, angry, yada yada! I've been back to logging on MFP since the new year with a few small breaks here and there. I decided on 5/5 to EM2WL and I haven't looked back. I LOVE eating so much more! Prior to upping my intake I was eating anywhere from 1000-1500 cals a day and generally not eating back my exercise cals-I lost no weight and minimal inches.
When I upped I first went to 1560, then 1830 and now I'm set at 2063-that's a 15% cut of my TDEE. I log at least 30 minutes of exercise a day 4-7 days a week-yoga, kettlebell and a rotation of Jillian Michael's DVDs, so I'm getting in some HIIT training and weights. Since I started eating more I've seen no shift in weight...or more importantly in inches.
I love that I feel better and have more energy to really bust out a workout and I do feel stronger and tighter but I was thinking by now I should have seen some shifting or changes.
So my question to everyone is: have I really given it long enough? Or am I doing something wrong maybe? My food log is open to everyone to look at-I don't eat perfect by any means but I try! Would love some feedback and even some new buddies to help keep me on track! :flowerforyou:


  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member

    Have you thought about doing a TDEE reset? I know this may not be what you want to hear, but coming from a VLCD diet like you were, and going right into this, your body may need to eat at full TDEE to help bring the metabolism back up to where it should be.

    If you do this for 6-8 weeks, and then go to a cut you should see results. There is a support thread for this as well as many people are doing the same thing :)

    Also the other thing is to make sure you are calculating your TDEE requirements right. What calculator were you using to get your TDEE cut target?

  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    I think you've just saved some of my sanity this morning!!

    I used the scooby TDEE calculator to get my numbers-although I'm not sure what number is best to use. The 2063 is coming from 3-5 hours of exercise a week; some weeks (like last) it's over 6 hours a week which makes my numbers even higher.

    I don't know much about the TDEE reset and never contemplated it as I really thought I was doing myself good eating so much more. If it helps give any more insight, I lost my first 35-40lbs. through Atkins-I was a low carber for maybe 2 years? I never counted my calories so I can't really say how much I was consuming.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    How long have you been at 2063 calories?

    Also can you post your height, weight, age if you dont mind. Ill double check the numbers :)
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I think you've just saved some of my sanity this morning!!

    I used the scooby TDEE calculator to get my numbers-although I'm not sure what number is best to use. The 2063 is coming from 3-5 hours of exercise a week; some weeks (like last) it's over 6 hours a week which makes my numbers even higher.

    I don't know much about the TDEE reset and never contemplated it as I really thought I was doing myself good eating so much more. If it helps give any more insight, I lost my first 35-40lbs. through Atkins-I was a low carber for maybe 2 years? I never counted my calories so I can't really say how much I was consuming.

    Sounds like a VLC diet to me.. What I know from atkins is that you are restricted immensely on what you eat, thereore your body is starving for certain nutrients it didnt get on that program.. Plus most weight loss programs on the market have clients in around the 12-1400 cal mark..

    I would consider going to your TDEE and staying there for 6-8 weeks. Its rough mentally because it puts you out of "weight loss" mode for a period of time, but it is the best thing you can do for your body..

    I was a previous WW member for about 9 years, minues the times I was pregnant. I jumped to my Cut value for about 6 weeks and basically nothing changed.. then I jumped to TDEE and while nothing changed again, it has proven to me just how low cal I had been eating before.. I jumped up 1400 cals a day (Double the amount I used to eat).. and Im still able to maintain this current weight. Being at TDEE sucks mentally and Ive hit the wall a few times over it.. but I know in the long run, a year from now it will not matter that I gave up almost 4 months eating so much more and not losing weight..At least here I know that if I was still eating VLC, I would be still jumping up and down with thesame 5 pounds, getting angry at myself, stressed, miserable and defeated. Now I know I am on hold and while It still plays with my head, I know in the end I will be so much better for it
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Wow...you guys are a lifesaver. I've been bashing my head in since the new year trying to get something to change with no luck no matter what I do.

    @raynn-Atkins is fairly restricted-LOTS of protein and veggies. To this day I'm still slightly neurotic over my carbs-I eat far more than I ever did before but I still have this mind block that they'll make me gain. I think it's also the reason why I can't always eat above my BMR...I'm too afraid to put any more carbs in me. It's a work in progress!

    @Mike-I've been at 2063 for right around a month. Most days I actually consume anywhere from 1700-2300. On average my daily workout will burn a minimum of 350 cals, highest is over 600.
    Stats: 26, 5'7", weight bounces from 185-190
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Bump! Anyone else have input for me?
  • I'd try reset or at least get your macros in line with enough carbs ( check out lucias post for numbers) and always always always net over your BMR or all your other hard work will be wasted
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    since you are still bouncing around between 1700-2300 then I would jump up to TDEE and stay there. Concentrate on trying to hit That number on a daily basis for a few weeks. work on your macros and eat those carbs:)
    Know what your BMR is and make sure that on days you exercise, you dont Net below that number..

    Id go for the full reset.. sounds like you could use it just to help you relax, and concentrate on eating again:)
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Thank you both :flowerforyou:

    I'm a bit scared to be adding in so many more cals...but so far going from VLC to eating a minimum of 1700 hasn't hurt me. And with over 5+ months of no loss, what's another month or two? :smile:

    I'm guessing that doing the reset I can keep up with my normal workout routine correct? Also, are there guidelines on trying to get my macros right? Should I set them to what I get with the scooby workshop?
  • azalais7
    azalais7 Posts: 187 Member
    Folks on here generally recommend 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat, which is reasonable. If you're doing much strength training, though, you want to aim for more protein--about 1 gram per lb. of body weight.

    You might find the paleo/primal eating plan helpful as a former low-carber, and especially if you're trying to get more protein. While these still avoid grains and starches, they do emphasize very good carbs (more broadly than Atkins). This will also shift your fat macro a bit higher while lowering the carb ratio.

    If you're interested in that, check out marksdailyapple.com.