Shin Pain (with a side of Hubris)

_rebeccab Posts: 11 Member
Though it's my first time actually running - I've been one of the lucky ones and pretty much have been breezing through C25K. Not to say I haven't had shortness of breath or a bad run, but the most trouble I've had is mindset wise not pain or injury wise.

This week I started Week 7 (25min runs) and I was fine doing them, but after looking at the boards, felt pretty embarrassed about my running speed. I use a treadmill for running and can do the 25 minute run easily at a 4.3 speed. However, I decided that since that was fine I would start increasing my speed. I didn't increase it by much but I noticed that after my second run there's been a constant pain in the front of my legs.

Today is my 3rd run day and using the stairs at work has not been fun to say the least.

It's my own fault. Like I said, my biggest problem so far has been with my mindset not with anything else.

I don't want to develop shin splints so I'd like to nip this in the bud. I've looked at a few running sites and most seem to agree on icing, stretching and a couple days off should alleviate the symptoms.

Would it be worthwhile to hold of running for a few days and restart Week 7 on Monday? I had started running on the treadmill because I didn't want to do intervals outside and I had heard that it was better for shin pain. Now I'm wondering if it wouldn't be better to take it outside.


  • buckeyegirl0103
    buckeyegirl0103 Posts: 194 Member
    I don't think you would need to restart anything. Everything I have read on the boards from those that completed C25K said not to worry about speed till after you complete the program. I would just slow it down again and take it easy. Rest and ice the shins for a day or 2 than go back to it if you feel able to. If you feel the pain again, then I would say rest it till it heals completely. You may want to skip the stairs for a while too! :smile:
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    Have you been fitted for running shoes ?
    Utube shin splints some good exercises on there
  • bcl003
    bcl003 Posts: 331 Member
    I am only on week 2 but I had the same problem and I bought some gel inserts for my shoes and it seemed to relieve the pain.
  • _rebeccab
    _rebeccab Posts: 11 Member
    I'm have some Ascic's I bought a year ago. But I've finally figured out that my foot tends tilt out so I'm wondering if I need to look for another pair of shoes.

    Definitely going to check out youtube though. I'm hoping that some localized stretching and some yoga will sort this out
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    I'm have some Ascic's I bought a year ago. But I've finally figured out that my foot tends tilt out so I'm wondering if I need to look for another pair of shoes.

    Definitely going to check out youtube though. I'm hoping that some localized stretching and some yoga will sort this out

    When I started my attempt to get fitter i tried the treadmill on a few occasions and after 2-3 min would have to stop as the pain in my shins was so intense, I left the treadmill alone and used a cross trainer instead decided to re try the dreaded treadmill and the pain came back

    After a lot of research I went and had my gait analysed at a specialist running shop where they told me i pronate when i run and needed running shoes with support since that day I've never had pain and am up to 10k + distances :bigsmile:

    My running shoes cost me a fair bit more than i would normally pay for trainers but it was money well spent