NROLFW seems too tough/intimidating?

Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
I have a bad neck, seems like New rules might be a bit much, finished reading the book. I'm on day 22 of reset, which is going well, wondering if anyone was excited about new rules then quit ? Like I know there's no way I want to try putting a barbell on my neck like the book says.... I know nothing comes easy but I'm afraid to start now that I've seen read it !


  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    I am afraid of it too. I have not read all of it. I am just starting the nutrition part of it. I posted a thread earlier today asking if we are not all to gun ho and getting ourselves injured. On there I asked how to approach it safely. I'll link you there. I didn't get many answers.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Did ou know there is a New Rules for Life? I's designed for older people and people that have had injuries (from what I've read),go to Amazon and read the reviews~
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    Right! I read yours after I posted mine. Lol. Are you doing the reset? I'm wondering if maybe u just did a mini version with no weights, then add some decent wght, I can only lift 15lb dumbells, but some parts of the book say you'll just get stronger, not see a change....uh, so I feel like why bother, but then I think it'd be better than nothing, but then I just have to eat more which is getting expensive! Good grief ! ! ! Life seemed simpler before I read the darn book! Lol.
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    I am not doing the reset. I was eating at my TDEE for a long time before coming on here. I went to a 20% cut immediately.

    The longer I think about it, the more I realize that the advice we get here has probably to do with optimum workouts that will get us the optimum body we can have. I know from my personal experience that it is not sustainable for me - or not yet... I don't know if it is down the road for me. I am just at the beginning, so I might still change my mind later on. I actually admire people who do work at those levels.

    For me, I need moderate exercise I enjoy. That is swimming and cycling. Perhaps I'll only do strength training that will compliment those activities. I really am not doing this to get the rock hard bikini body.

    And there is the scare of injury for me too. Once bitten, twice she.
    I might check out the book New Rules for life... Plumsgrl... thanks for the advice.
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    Great! I just put new rules for life on hold at the library, I will post what's it all about when It comes in.
  • Mistymath
    Mistymath Posts: 146 Member
    If you want to do NROLFW, I think you can figure out a way to make it work. I have tendinitis in one of my wrists and have already had to modify two exercises in just the first week, but I am already feeling the benefit from working the muscles that the other exercises -- even things like lunges and squats, both of which I did without any weights at all the first time around -- have utilized.

    Don't let fear keep you from doing something good for yourself, and if you are in doubt about your particular injury/neck problem, talk to your doctor for some guidelines on what's OK and what's not.

    I had been strictly doing cardio since I started working out again in May, and after just a week of NROLFW I am already feeling better and stronger, and I can tell it's going to work muscles that were not getting any exercise with just the elliptical and treadmill.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    I have a bad neck, seems like New rules might be a bit much, finished reading the book. I'm on day 22 of reset, which is going well, wondering if anyone was excited about new rules then quit ? Like I know there's no way I want to try putting a barbell on my neck like the book says.... I know nothing comes easy but I'm afraid to start now that I've seen read it !

    bumping so I can find you later. I just started NROLFW, am 51 with MS and am doing it with a LOT of modifications.
    Will give you one for now: Squats~I am holding a weight against my chest and doing them. The bar made me WAAY off balance and was KILLING my shouders.

    Back later......
  • moss11
    moss11 Posts: 236 Member
    Yip. I'm 57 and been doing it for about 4 weeks! Just doing it at home either just using body weight, you would be amazed the muscles we have that we don't normally use. I also use dumbbells but haven't got past the 5lb total weight yet. I reckon just like EM2WL there is no hurry, I just do what I can and already feel fitter and stronger. You can modify and adjust. It is just so much different for me anyway from cycling, walking and stretching. It does seem to have the feel good factor and steps up the metabolism. I say start gently and give it a go.
  • Emilit_uk
    Emilit_uk Posts: 87
    The book encourages you to challenge yourself, but it doesn't stipulate that you should lift a particular weight for a certain amount of reps. You can do the squats holding dumbells if you're not comfortable with a barbell. No one expects you to bench press your own body weight in your first session. Start out with whatever weight you feel comfortable with, and work up.

    There are also modifications for the moves using body weight, such as the push-ups. I think its a great introduction to lifting, and explains how to do the moves correctly, you shouldn't feel intimidated
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    Thanks for the advice everyone. I have ordered New Rules for Life.