Need A Push

So, I've been really down in the dumps lately. I've been back from vacation for about a week. I have been trying to exercise, and it's been going okay, but it isn't anywhere near what I use to be. With that, I didn't up my TDEE because I didn't hit the next level.

Yesterday while on a field trip with my fifth graders to a cool activity center, I hurt my shoulder doing a variety of activities (mostly gymnastics and rock climbing). I've been resting, but now i feel like a total dead beat.

On the real life side of things, I'm still getting use to being out of school for the first time in years. I was able to pick up a part time gig at my university as an adjunct professor. I am also interviewing EVERYWHERE for a full-time teaching position. Plus add the heat wave this weak and lack of facilities/ air.. it's been tough. I suffered heat exhaustion last night on top of everything!

Now I know I am maintaining, but I'm feeling myself bloat now with TOM and just having been at TDEE for almost a month. I love exercising because it gives you that nice high. I miss feeling strong. I was hoping for some suggestions to get back into the game. I definitely feel like vacation drained a lot out of me, and now the only remaining energy I have is going towards job hunting.

Thanks everyone and I hope you are all doing well.



  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hey there so sorry to hear you are having a rough friend this too shall pass. I will keep you in my prayers. Here is a flower for you:flowerforyou:

    Sometimes I get where I don't feel like going to workout an d I just really push because I know I will feel better. You release some feel good let's get up tomorrow and lets go the gym...I will be zumbaing....what will you be doing? Rest that shoulder but lower body is wide open:smile:
  • divediva2
    divediva2 Posts: 297 Member
    Lucia is right. You can work out that lower body. You can do some walking. Just don't give up now. Sounds like the heat and post vacation blues might be getting you down. Plus you are looking for a job and that can be tough too!

    Your shoulder will heal, give it some rest, ice it or give it some heat. I would also say visit your doctor if it is really giving you grief. Hang in there, brighter days ahead!
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member

    That's a long list and would wear anyone down- so give yourself some credit for what you've done. It's in there and you're going to do even more.

    I have some physical issues that give me down time often enough. I've started looking at it as a chance to train other areas. Athletes don't just go 'hit the gym'- they take opportunities to train supportive areas to their main goal.

    When I'm out and recovering this is what I do:

    Research proper form- there is always a new video out from Rippetoe or another instructor I trust.

    Review my training logs- am I performing as high as I can? Can I see what led to my injury?

    Read blogs by industry leaders and PT associations to keep updated on the latest techniques and discussions.

    Take the time to do soft tissue work and keep muscles in tip top shape

    Review my diet- how's that going for me? How do I feel in regards to my fuel intake?

    Work on accessory exercises- can't do squats? Then get down and do some hip raises. Can't do any overhead presses because my shoulder is messed up? Then figure out why the structural deformity and start a plan to fix it as best I can. I sit at a computer for a long time- crappy hunched over posture elongates the back muscles and shortens the chest. Not the look I'm going for. ;) So as part of my accessory work I hold a barbell loaded with progressively higher weights. I stand, feet shoulder width apart, and hold the barbell infront of me while I watch tv for about fifteen to thirty minutes a day. This is outside of normal workouts and helps keep my shoulder healthy. Not saying it's perfect for you but that it's a great example of accessory work. Got tight hip flexors? Work 'em out! Learn to HATE- I mean LOVE LOVE LOVE your foam roller.

    This is what I do and it helps keep me sane when I can't train. Hope it helps you.
  • terrigrace
    terrigrace Posts: 199 Member
    You can do this! Plan it out if you can, make a date with yourself to work out. Then give yourself a treat to look forward to afterward. Maybe a shower with a nice, sassy body wash? Or an awesome tasting protein shake? I swear sometimes you just need a vacation from your vacation. Your mind just might be saying it needed a little down time and your mojo will come back. Plus, Ive read that a lot of us resetters have a very fatigued week somewhere during reset. For some it was two weeks in, most it seems to be from 4 to 6 weeks in. Just your body doing what it's supposed to do. Resting, gearing up, resetting. Hang in there, it will pass. Hugs,
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    I am sorry to hear you are having a rough time. But you have a lot going on at the moment.

    I agree with pp, just try to get your exercise in. Even if I sometimes don't feel like working out I do it anyway cause I love the feelings of endorphins floating around in my body.

    Hopefully your energy will return quickly
  • Thank you guys!!! I am hoping to go for a run tomorrow and do some good leg exercises today.

    You all have motivated me to do better.

    Thank you everyone!!