Couple Questions, Eating/Calories


1. I have a question regarding netting BMR, it's as simple as this right?:
Im suppose to eat 3000 cals a day, My BMR is 2500 and lets say Ive eaten my 3000
cals that day, but during that day, I was out digging and burnt 1000 cals, that
would take me down to 2000 cals, so to net my BMR I would need to eat another 500
cals, correct? So in total 3500 cals eaten?

2. Regarding eating times, Im suppose to eat around 3000 cals a day, Ive read
everywhere that it doesn't matter what time you eat, correct? Just seems so off to
me, What if I ate around 2000 cals in one meal? Thats ok? How about this?: When I
exercise I have to eat roughly 3500 cals a day, so morning I have around 700 cals,
later have a 300 cal snack, have a 700 cal lunch, have another afternoon snack of
300 or so than come home and work out w/e it is Id be doing, then have my diner and
what not, it's ok to eat the remainder 1500 cals in one meal, If i cant eat it all
right then and there, I can just pick at my food for the remainder of my evening,
even if its like an hour before bed?

3. So Ive been wearing my BMF for like 5 days or so and ive found out when I work
out, my actual burn is around 4200 cals, and when I dont workout my actual burn is
around 3600-3800 or so. So for me, I should be taking those numbers(depending on
workout days or not) and doing a cut off those numbers and eating that amount for
the day, correct? ex. workout day, 4200cals burned for that day, so a 20% cut for
that day would mean I would have to eat around 3360 for that day?
And that should make me lose right? if im eating too little like around 2000 cals,
my body will hold onto the food right? And I wont lose?

My stats: 6'1", Male, 277lb, 21 years old.

Sorry for all the questions, just trying to figure some stuff out, thank you very


  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Hi Jack and Welcome!!

    I am no expert but have been "around" for a whlie and I will share what I know:

    1) BMR~ you are right. You MUST NET (intake after exercise) your BMR every day.

    2) Eating times~ my personal opinion is to spread food out as evenly as possible throughout the day. You will get multiple opinions on this and many experts believe it doesn't matter when you eat as long as you get it all in. Some even say that eating thousands of calories right before bed is OK and would not affect your metabolism or weight loss, etc.
    I just couldn't sleep AND when I have done that, I was still full in the morning and couldn't eat breakfast which throws off the whole day.

    I checked your food diary and WOW, pretty impressive I must say!! LOVE all those veggies I'm seeing. One of the most important "Macros" to hit here is your Protein. Try to do that first and foremost each day. (I am currently working on that one myself!)

    3)BodyMediaFit~so it looks like your TDEE is MUCH higher than you're eating according to the BMF. I don't have one but from what I'm seeing here, it looks like most folks are taking an average of a week's readings to set their calorie goals.
    I will let others answer this for you.

    Meanwhile, you are really on the right track and I am so glad that you are choosing to get healthy this way rather than the Very Low Calorie way!!

    Good Luck,
  • Jack3r
    Jack3r Posts: 96
    Thank you for the reply, Im definitely trying, although Ive changed from a paleo eating routine back to this zone diet and I've stalled out now. Maybe I just wasn't eating enough when I switched back to carb or not but my weight will not budge now, and it's getting really frustrating, so im just trying to get everything figured out.

    Any insight is appreciated! Thanks
  • Jack3r
    Jack3r Posts: 96
    Bump :/
  • Saelina
    Saelina Posts: 129 Member
    Sounds like you aren't eating enough.

    Why are you targetting a 20% cut when it's recommended to do 15%?

    It's been recommended to keep a consistent calorie intake. Take your weekly TDEE total, average it and get your total per day, and cut 15% from that.

    I don't have an opinion on eating times, as I've eaten all times of the day and it hasn't had any negative affects on me other than times I've not eaten breakfast and had to try to fit in all my calories late in the day.