Reset and new eating habits

Ok so I am on reset... I've never been a low cal dieter (as I could never stick to it) although I did try and so spiked up and down at times... and become a bit of a chaotic impulsive eater....

I think this 8 weeks is a good time to clean up my eating but also don't want to get trapped in the unachievable idea of perfect eating....

I was thinking of keeping my kcal the same for meals each day, eating cleaner but looking for some inspiration/ ideas too...

Just wondering what healthy habits you are all learning now / have learnt that help with maintaining this life style and help when you start cutting?


  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I think I understand what you mean, "don't want to get trapped in the unachievable idea of perfect eating," you want this to be a change you can continue for the rest of your life so being so strict isn't something you can do because you feel you will stray away from it at some point, am I correct in thinking this?

    I have anorexia and I'm quite an obsessive person, I've done the eating clean thing, I've exercised for hours on end, I just seem to take everything to the absolute extreme but it's not something I can continue for the rest of my life, because well it's the reason I ended up back in the hospital so many times.

    I think eating clean is great, if you have the right balance, so I'm completely not knocking it at all. I believe that it's all about baby steps, make one change every week or every month. Like my change this month wasn't to do with changing my eating habits, but to go at least one day a week without making myself throw up, and this past week, I managed tuesday-thursday so I'm really proud of myself because this time last year or even last month, I wouldn't have been able to do it.

    Rather than focusing on your weight, focus on your health and the great changes you are making for your body and future:) Take care xxx
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    I struggled with ED for about 10 years, and if you count binge eating, even longer. But honestly, clean eating was the best thing I've ever done for myself. It seems to stabilize my blood sugars so I don't crave things like I used to, and I don't freak out about all the extra food because I am eating healthy. I still struggle with binges but it is far less since giving my body the nutrition it needs.
    I try to stick to the 80/20 rule. So for me this means pretty clean eating with some small treat once a day and maybe a restaurant meal once a week. Others do well with a cheat day once a week that is planned for and controlled, not like a free for all. I should say this is my goal, but I don't always make it there! Lol! It's been kind of a struggle for me to get back on track with clean eating since my vacation a few weeks ago. But making prpgress. :)
  • Thank you guys...

    I think your right I'll plan some baby steps... I think number 1 will be eating approx the same amount each day at each meal... Then my body will get into a routine which hopefully will support cutting later.

    Best of luck with both your journeys too and very well done with your progress to date :-)