Why is this happening?

ktbazzy Posts: 110 Member
After years of eating way below TDEE, binging and see-sawing on the scale, I found this site and decided to eat instead of starve. I've been eating WAY more and it shows. I've gained 7 pounds since I started on here and now have a goal to lose 25 pounds. I haven't been able to do NROLFW because of a neck injury and am SO frustrated. Please send some success stories and tips, I'm ready to go back to starving myself. I can't afford a new wardrobe!


  • techmom29
    techmom29 Posts: 103
    Welcome! We are here to help!

    How long have you been eating more? Are you doing a reset? What are your stats? We can help you assess better with that info.

    7# is 3500x7 calories is surplus of your tdee...likely a lot of water weight is going on here. Because I suspect you have not eaten 24,500 EXTRA calories. :)
  • ji225
    ji225 Posts: 89 Member
    Chill a bit and take a breath! I know it is hard, but like the other poster said it likely is not actual weight you have put on, rather water and other minerals that your body is desperate for. I started eating more about 2 months ago after unknowingly netting less than my BMR for the last year on here! I feel that a complete waste of food logging for a year when I could have been doing far more fun things. I gained about 7lb when i first started eating more, and I'm now up to eating about 2200 -2300 cals a day on average, when this time last year I would have been 1800 max! (whilst exercising 400 cals per day) AND I'm happy to report that I am now losing about 0.5 lbs per week, and I'm stuffed all the time!

    I only want to lose about 10lb really and I want it all to be fat and not muscle, so I might even try and slow it down a bit, after all, those 10lbs (of fat hopefully) will be gone in just 24wks or so ..... witha few diet break in between..........and that will be amazing!

    After that I will be able to head to maintenence of 2400-2500 or maybe even more, without gaining anything - I cant even imagine this! but how cool will that be! :) to be honest I might have to get a second job to pay for all the extra food!

    Dont lose heart - I remember feeling really bloated in weeks 1-6 especially, but after that it started to even out a bit and i felt less tired, stronger doing my fairly light weights (just back to strength training after disc problems) and no period pains at all! All great reasons to stick with it I think!

  • smurfee11
    smurfee11 Posts: 33
    I just hit the 4 week mark at eating tdee. I have to say i was very nervous about all of this and reluctanly started off eating at tdee with the 15% cut only to figure out i needed the metabolism reset. I have eatin at 1200 or below for years!!!!!! And worked out with cardio 3 x a week and trained with personal trainer 2x week doing hiit training! I would always ask "why" is that im kicking my butt and nothings changing??? I heard lower your calories!?!? Well when i finally decided to go to tdee i must say i was overwhelmed with all the food and the BLOAT and second guessed myself daily!! I can say that i have gained 5 pounds through it all and i weighed yesterday and still holding to that gain, BUT at 4 weeks i woke up this am and i had NOOOO bloat and i see change in my body arms are tight, legs are getting lean and defined and i have to say i am sooo enjoying this new way of eating! Sooo I say hang in there and do this for yourself!!! ;)