please share your opinions and thoughts

MichelleRenee13 Posts: 363 Member
so I haven't been exercising the last 2 weeks. during exercise break I kept my calories at 1800.

Dropped 1.5lbs last week...gained 1.5lbs this week. Tomorrow is my actual weigh in day, but I will not be home in the morning.

Is 1800 w/o exercise =TDEE for sedentary for me?

I will be adding exercise back in next week. do I keep my calories the same or up them? I will be returning to lightly active.



  • Daphnemomof9
    Daphnemomof9 Posts: 113 Member
    Here are the videos for you to watch to get your questions answered:

    Why should I eat the same every day? What happens if I go on vacation/my activity level drops for that week? Should I eat less? What if I get sick.......Reasons why staying consistent is so important in the beginning.
  • MichelleRenee13
    MichelleRenee13 Posts: 363 Member
    I did stay consistent with my calories after having to take 2 weeks off from exercise. I was wandering with the the information that I had given above, if that would be my TDEE if I remained sedentary? If so, should I up my calories when returning to exercise this coming week. I would assume my lightly active TDEE is higher than sedentary. Just trying to figure out my cut number. I have done all the calculators and have watched the videos.

    I am trying to see if I may have found my sedentary TDEE.

    I don't know if I am explaining things well! :blushing:
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    Your body will respond to any changes. If you want to find out if that is your true TDEE, I would recommend staying at that activity level/calorie level for a minimum of 6 weeks and seeing if your weight stabilizes. Personally, I couldn't take that long off exercise, so I would rather find my TDEE at my current activity level. Are you doing a reset?
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    I think I get what you're saying-

    Ate your cut for a while
    Had to take a break and eat your TDEE for two weeks
    Lost weight so wonder if TDEE was correct

    Do I getcha right?

    Two weeks isn't really long enough to say if your sedentary TDEE is the 1800 number. I would want to give it a while to really see- but since you're going back up to lightly active (YAY!) you should up your calories to reflect the change in activity.

    I would go back up in calories since you're going to be moving more. Give it a while (month or so) and then reevaluate from there. :)
  • MichelleRenee13
    MichelleRenee13 Posts: 363 Member
    I am not doing a reset. I had puncture wounds from a cat bite that cause an infection and major swelling to my forearm. I could not lift anything. It was extreme pain. Then I came down with an upper respiratory infection. The last 2 weeks were really crappy for me.

    I wasn't trying to find my TDEE for sedentary....I was just wandering if it was 1800 since I basically lost and gained back that 1.5lbs over the 2 weeks I haven't been able to exercise. I then thought, well IF 1800 is my TDEE for sedentary....shouldn't I be eating more than 1800 when I add my exercise back in?

    Just thoughts rolling around in my head.
  • MichelleRenee13
    MichelleRenee13 Posts: 363 Member
    I think I get what you're saying-

    Ate your cut for a while
    Had to take a break and eat your TDEE for two weeks
    Lost weight so wonder if TDEE was correct

    Do I getcha right?

    Two weeks isn't really long enough to say if your sedentary TDEE is the 1800 number. I would want to give it a while to really see- but since you're going back up to lightly active (YAY!) you should up your calories to reflect the change in activity.

    I would go back up in calories since you're going to be moving more. Give it a while (month or so) and then reevaluate from there. :)


    1800 was my cut before the exercise break. I didn't change my caloric intake, just had to take out exercise. It is just making me question how much I should be eating. I will probably just remain at 1800 with the exercise back in play. I think about this stuff WAY too much! lol
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member


    1800 was my cut before the exercise break. I didn't change my caloric intake, just had to take out exercise. It is just making me question how much I should be eating. I will probably just remain at 1800 with the exercise back in play. I think about this stuff WAY too much! lol

    Ahh well sounds like your cut was a bit low for your activity level. I would up it a bit and try it out there. Sounds like you do more activity in your 'lightly active' than you thought. Plus, your exercise cals will already be added to your TDEE cut value so you won't have to enter those separately- saves time lol