heavy fatigued

polza1888 Posts: 87 Member
heavy fatigued!!! suggestions to combat this? tried sleep, coffee and energy drinks


  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    it passes with time.

    There was about a week where i was falling asleep on the way home from work every day. I was soo tired.. but then it passed... that was at around 3 weeks in or so..
  • coopersmom2006
    Is this a normal thing from upping calories? I'm 3 days in and exhausted!
  • polza1888
    polza1888 Posts: 87 Member
    it passes with time.

    There was about a week where i was falling asleep on the way home from work every day. I was soo tired.. but then it passed... that was at around 3 weeks in or so..

    I'm also 3 weeks in, i tried working out and my god did i struggle. The next day i felt exhausted and still feeling it..
  • polza1888
    polza1888 Posts: 87 Member
    Is this a normal thing from upping calories? I'm 3 days in and exhausted!

    I felt a little tired after a few days buy quickly passed within a day or so. But not like I'm feeling now lol
  • TheChangingMan
    TheChangingMan Posts: 73 Member
    Are you keeping well hydrated?
  • coopersmom2006
    Is this a normal thing from upping calories? I'm 3 days in and exhausted!

    I felt a little tired after a few days buy quickly passed within a day or so. But not like I'm feeling now lol

    I woke up this morning more tired than when I'd gone to bed! I struggled through every single second of my workout too. Was trying to figure out WTH was wrong with me!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    I gets better in the 4-5 week range. Some people are so exhausted, they take a few day off from working out!
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    funny because I was soooo tired I took off about a week from exercise. I was getting so sleepy during the day and did not think it had to do with upping my calories for the Tdee reset.. now that I see this post I'm wondering if it was because of the eating more. I thought I was just burning out from exercise lol. who knows!
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    I've been tired the last few days and I attribute it to a decreased workout routine by time and intensity. also I have been eating way too much sodium. I think that affects me.