Help me decide what to do?

pmcjt Posts: 34 Member
I had been on workouts 7 and 8 when we went on vacation for 3 weeks. We walked a lot while on vacation but I didn't have any way to bring weights or watch the dvds and do the workouts on vacation. Once back, and after I got over the jet lag, I gave workouts 5 and 6 a shot since it was already late in the week. I figured I wanted to see how I did on those before jumping back in - 7 & 8 were tough for me before I left! I found the workouts to be challenging. I was surprised that I was able to do all the exercises but I could have been stronger and I was a little wobbly in regards to balance. My question is, do you think I should do a full week of 5 & 6 until I'm solid before stepping back up to 7 & 8 or should I just jump in where I left off?

Thanks in advance for your advice!!!


  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    I would probably start from where I left , in your case workouts 7 & 8. And since you said that you're able to do 5&6 in good form, that to me means that you're ready for some challenge :) As Jillian says later in the program- "make your body do , what you tell it to do!" That phrase really motivates during some hard times :bigsmile:
  • rosarenee1
    rosarenee1 Posts: 271 Member
    I definitely agree with starting where you left off! Especially if you did 5 (ugh) and 6 really well!
  • pmcjt
    pmcjt Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks! I think I will and just do my best. :)