Starting week 3...

bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
Today is the official start of week 3 of the reset...

I've definitely had some ups and downs. Lots of bloat. Haven't measured or weighed myself which is probably for the best. The first week was awful and I went over TDEE more than I stayed under. Last week I was doing better until midweek, and then had a ton of trail mix and peanut butter. Last week was TOM, so I kind of blame that. I actually would have really spazzed about how bloated and fat I felt Thursday had I not worn the same capris Tuesday.... Tuesday they felt fine and Thursday it was a struggle to button them, but I know it's due to eating all the trail mix and peanut butter Wednesday night that caused bloat.

Yesterday I was right on target but, before bed, found myself at the door to the pantry with a spoon in a PB jar. But- as I was eating it last night- instead of eating like an uncontrolled maniac, I thought to myself, 'you don't need to do this anymore.' For so long (while losing weight + while eating 1500-1600 to maintain it for a year) so many foods were 'off limits': peanut butter, cheese, etc. And now my full TDEE is 2655, giving me more than enough room to fit those kinds of food in. It was like before, even while allowing myself to 'eat more', I still found foods like that off-limits - meaning I would sneak them while I was alone, hoarding them. I'm not on a diet anymore and I don't have to do that anymore. It might seem like an insignificant, 'well duh' thing, but it was a lightbulb.

So, here I am, start of week 3... going to try to hit my TDEE by +50/-50 cals consistently this week! I'm also hoping I find more energy for my workouts. I have been so exhausted for the past 2 weeks- I live on the third floor of my building and just walking up the steps wears me out.

I've been toying with the idea of doing NROFLW, but I think I'm going to wait until after a race I'm running at the end of July. I know I need to incorporate strength training somehow, but think I might try doing 30DS and cutting back a little on cardio. Or, at the very least, switch my cardio up- yesterday at the gym I did a machine called an arc trainer, and it was 2 minute intervals of level 6/resistance 35, level 4/resistance 55, and it was killer - but in a good way :) I'm at the 5-6 hours activity level and I really love the idea of 2 rest days a week, but that means an hour of cardio 5 days a week at the gym. Since starting to do some intervals I can't imagine going back to my hour of steady state on the elliptical. So monotonous!! So if anyone has any tips- like can I really just cut out 20 minutes of cardio and replace it with 30DS and that will 'count'? I'd love to hear what you think!

Sorry for the wordy post, I'm queen of these. Just trying to just keep swimming over here!


  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
    forgot to add: this will be my first week attempting 2 rest days (which is a big deal for me, I'm pretty sure I went the entire months of January, February and March without taking a rest day). the gym closes in an hour and a half and i'm getting antsy because I feel like I need to get there!!
  • Saelina
    Saelina Posts: 129 Member
    That is a fantastic mental accomplishment and NSV bethad. I think over turning our mental obstacles is a big part of this, and the reset gives you the time to eliminate a lot of them. Congrats to you :)
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    What race are you running the end of July? I live in the Quad Cities and I am running the Bix7 the end of July.

    If you are running a lot now I have seen it said you should wait to start weight training. I believe the idea is the cardio will trump building muscle. I am not worried about my run time anymore, I run/walk it for the party along the way and after so I started lifting heavy 3xs a week and run 3 sometimes 4 days a week. I have definitely seen muscle improvement and I do more of a HIIT approach to my running but again, I am not looking to beat my old run time or anything.
  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
    What race are you running the end of July? I live in the Quad Cities and I am running the Bix7 the end of July.

    If you are running a lot now I have seen it said you should wait to start weight training. I believe the idea is the cardio will trump building muscle. I am not worried about my run time anymore, I run/walk it for the party along the way and after so I started lifting heavy 3xs a week and run 3 sometimes 4 days a week. I have definitely seen muscle improvement and I do more of a HIIT approach to my running but again, I am not looking to beat my old run time or anything.

    Small world! I'm running the Bix, too. I grew up in Davenport/Bettendorf and that's where my family still lives. I live in St. Louis now, but am going home to run the Bix that morning and then going to a wedding that night... I'm exhausted just thinking about it! The farthest I've ran in a road race was 5 miles (the Turkey Trot in Davenport two years ago, if you're familiar with it). That was actually my first road race ever. I was supposed to run the Bix last year but we were moving the next day and I didn't want to be sore. I've just been elliptical-ing with a few random 5ks thrown in, but I reaaaaaally need to get running outside. I keep using the heat/humidity as an excuse not to go but chances are it's going to be just like this for the Bix, too, so I need to stop rationalizing my way out of things!

    ETA: I don't really care about my time, either, but my goal is to complete it with my aunt - who does kind of care about her time - we're hoping to have a steady 10 minute mile pace. Dreaming big? Probably. But I do think I'm going to hold off on NROFLW- if I do the full 8 week reset, the Bix at the end of week 7... hopefully I'm not a big balloon by then ;) It works out nice, though, because I'll be in the Quad Cities most of the rest of that week so I can take a nice break from exercise for that last full week, then when I get back to STL I can start my cut and the plan is to jump into NROFLW and do more of what you're talking about, 3 days lifting/3-ish days cardio. This is one of my optimistic reset feelings, though - by tomorrow I'll probably be ready to go to cut at 4 weeks... we'll see :)
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I think in another post I seen you mention a 7 mile race at the end of July and since most races are 5K or 3K, not by miles, it caught my attention!

    I have lived in Davenport my whole life although this year my Husband and I are are researching areas to move to. We have always wanted to and its looking more and more like if we really want to, now is the time.

    I used to run the Bix with a friend and I loved it because she runs at a slower pace than I normally do so I would go farther. Plus the day of the adrenaline takes you even farther! Now that friend has really gotten into marathons so running 7 miles non-stop for her is nothing and I just run in the summer. I don't have many other friends who like to run so I will have to do it alone which is fine, but doesn't motivate me to want to push myself :tongue:

    I haven't ever run the Turkey Trot. I only like running outdoors but I get picky about weather! I'm not crazy about running at night or too cold...mostly I think I just need a break from running and I focus on something else otherwise I get burned out.