I went for it! First NROLFW workout!

graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
So I had to do it AFTER I taught Pump, but I just wanted to give it a go! I had my book in hand like a big dork, but I didn't care. Haha! I had 45lbs on each side, plus bar on squats. Is that good? Used 25lb dumbbells of rows and step ups. Are you supposed to do 2 sets on each leg??
The jackknife confused me a bit...but I did it...I think? I hope to see some fat drop in the future! How long till you guys saw results? Weeks? MOnths? I can't wait til I feel more confident!


  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    Good for you! (and BUMP!)
  • moss11
    moss11 Posts: 236 Member
    Fantastic, you really went for it. 25lb dumbbells is that total or each hand? Yes you do the step up with the left leg then the right then rest! Same when you do the lunges so both legs each time. I have been doing core exercises for a couple of months which I think has tightened things up a bit but I honestly think after about 5 weeks of NROWLFW I am firmer in the core area. I do free weights and think that strengthens the core a bit more than machines! Keep up the good work.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Thanks! Each hand. So 50 total. I just went for it. I was concerned that I would be too fatigued after Pump, but I kept my weights lighter on my squat/lunge tracks and that helped. I loved the squats with the big bar. I wanted to do more! :-D
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    WOW, you did FANTASTIC!!!!

    Due to balance issues from MS, I am holding a weight against my chest and doing the squats that way. I held a 25.

    Used a Row machine and pulled 60.

    Step ups~no weights because I had to hold on (balance again) but let me ask you this: I'm thinking of holding a weight in the hand of the moving leg so I can use the other hand to hold on. If I'm holding a 25 pd dumbbell in one hand, it's better than holding nothing, right?

    And I'm not doing them like you and Moss are talking about~ I'm doing Set 1 one leg, Set 2 other leg~ no???

    Now the jackknife is not a problem for me, believe it or not because I used to do them all the time in a Pilates class I took for years.

    I'm so glad to see you gettin' into something that's got you inspired again!

    Remember: BADASS IS AS BADASS DOES~ you got this Gray!!
  • nannabannana
    nannabannana Posts: 787
    bump...wow I am in awe of you...great job!
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Great job!

    I lost a pants size in the first 4 weeks. Results have been slower now but I did have great initial results.