Just starting EM2WL! Excited/ Nervous

Hey everyone!

I'm 24 years old, only 5 ft tall and currently weighing about 133 pounds.

my HW was about 190 about 4 years ago. I took it off by doing extremely low cal and hi intensity cardio (never again! lol). I've kept off the 55 since then. But now it's time to finally get into a bikini!
My 15% cut puts me at 1840 cals per day. It's gonna be hard for me to get all these calories "cleanly"...I don't shop or cook for myself. The only meat I eat is seafood, and I watch my sugar very closely, so for right now very little beans and fruit. Since my gut is my problem area, I have cut my sugar down by ALOT in the last month...I used to be a sugar addict. Now I'm finally free of my sugar cravings and I haven't had any desserts, sweets or candy since May 26. May introduce sweets back slowly once I get a flat tummy.
I'm thinking of doing 5 days per week at 1640, and 2 days per week at 2340 (to allow for social drinking and eating)

I work out with a trainer 3-5 times per week. We do stretching, pilates, yoga, hand weights, and lots of core/ab work.

On my own, I do very low intensity cardio no more than 5 days/week, burning no more than 300 cals per session (a 2 hour max leisurely walk)

Anyone with similar stats/ goals? I'd love any guidance or support...


  • Cmadridk
    Cmadridk Posts: 9
    I forgot to mention my UGW.

    I'd love to see what I'd look like at 95 pounds. According to Scooby's website, this should take just over a year if I don't lose any muscle mass. I'm totally comfortable with that! Especially as I'll still get to eat over 1600 cals at that weight if I maintain activity.