HIIT workouts

Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
Hey, if anyones out there.... :) I thought I'd post about TIU's HIIT workouts. The following was posted on their blog in March:

It's Thursday, and it's your HIIT workout #2 for the week! HIIT it with your Sexy Sixer workout.

Your body relies on three different energy sources to create output. These are the Glycolytic system, Phosphagen system and the Oxidative process. Each of these has their limits, and their benefits.. The first two, the glycolytic and the phosphagen systems are used for intense bursts of energy and output, and are used rather quickly within the body. Phosphagen is used first, usually within a few seconds of intense activity, which is why glycogen is also used in parallel. Glycogen is created from carbohydrates taken from your diet and converted in your liver for use in this energy process. This energy is the fastest available, and the most readily available for most intense exercises.

During HIIT, your body will burn through all of the phosphagen and glycogen within your system first before triggering the oxidative energy pathway. Once the glycogen has been expended, the body then fires up the oxidative energy process, which pulls stored body fat, and must initiate a process that breaks the body-fat into fatty-acids and triglycerides that can be converted to glucose to power the energy production during your workout. This is why HIIT is so great for fat burning, by working at close to 100% effort, your body will burn through the phosphagen and glycogen rather quickly, relying on the stored body-fat for energy during the remainder of the workout. It's important to note that the process that breaks the body-fat into fatty-acids is long & drawn out, and doesn't provide nearly the boost that the other energy sources do! what this means for you during your workout, is that you are going to start to feel tired.. it's at this point that you are making the biggest difference in your physique!

In addition to the energy requirements of the exercise, HIIT also increases the body's EPOC, or Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption, which is the energy required to bring your body to a resting state. This process requires quite a bit of energy to perform, and since you have just burned through all the phosphagen and glycogen, the energy being used to bring your heart rate, body temperature, and respiratory rate back to resting will come from body-fat stores. EPOC can last as long as 24 hours, with the length of time directly relative to the effort & duration of the intervals performed.

Seeing as though performing HIIT has stress-relief benefits, like all exercise, cortisol levels will be much lower. Cortisol is a hormone that activates the 'fight or flight' response, and since your body has prepped itself over thousands of generations to require a mass of energy to either fight or flight, glucose is dumped into the bloodstream to be used as energy for the coming activity. In our day & age however, we don't run, we don't fight, and we don't use the energy that is being provided from stress, so the glucose is stored as fat. Since most fat is carried in our mid-sections due to the efficiency of carrying it in this location, rather than our extremities - performing HIIT would have a direct correlation to the amount of fat on the stomach and buns, because it would be less likely to accumulate there in the first place. Remember to be patient though, since body fat may be stored in certain locations over others, it comes off in even amounts like the layers of an onion, so keep at it!

So head over to SELF.com/Drop10 and check out your HIIT workout for today


  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Following the recommendatino for 3 HIIT a week, this is the one i I started with:

    HIIT it inches Eraser
    Take care of business with this
    27-minute quickie. Sprint your
    patootie off at level 8 for 90 seconds.
    Then back off for 3 minutes at
    level 4 while you contemplate your
    awesomeness. Repeat 6 times
    total before cooling down. Oh, yeah!