Would I benefit from a reset?

bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
I'm considering a reset, as I begin a full strength heavy lifting regimen starting tomorrow. Is there any reason why I would or would not want to do a full TDEE intake for a month?

Thank you.


  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Most of us who are doing the reset is because we came from very low cal (VLC) diets for long periods of time beforehand. So it made sense to give our bodies a proper chance to know that we were not going to starve it again. If you havent been restricted on the diet for a long period of time prior, you might be alright with just eating at a cut. However there is nothing wrong with doing a full reset at any given time..
    Id say if you want to give yourself a chance to get right on the path, then go for a reset.. cant hurt anything, and it gives you time to enjoy life a bit:)
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    I was eating at 1500-1700 cals for a REALLY long time. So I don't think the last 45 days have really been enough for the body at tdee -15%
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    As long as youre okay with seeing some scale fluctuation/bloating, I dont think a reset is ever a bad idea. Just make sure to read the stickies on upping calories so you understand what youre in for!
    Might be a good thing to step away from the scale for a little while...
    But as far as muscle building, energy level, and a break from the dieting mindset...its wonderful!
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    I've already gone through the initial bloating etc. I also haven't gone by scale weight in 45 days. So I think I am prepared. I was moreso just concerned with it actually being a benefit to me or not.

    I think if I am lifting heavy that it would make a lot of sense to eat at TDEE.

    Buckle up kids, time to get bulky!
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    go for it!
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Looks like we're all coming to the same conclusion these days.

    I'm starting a Reset today after 9 weeks of TDEE-15%. That was after doing VLCD for as long as I can remember~ I'm 51, so that's a LONG time!

    Hop on, here we go........
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I think a reset is always a great idea. You would hate to jump in at cut (like I did) then go through all the bloat and then not see results then have to do a reset anyway and start over. I feel like the reset is not just great for your body, but it has helped me get my mind in a better place.

    it definitely has its hard days.....but it goes by pretty fast and I can see more of the other positive changes I would have missed if all I was focused on was losing fat.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I think a reset is always a great idea. You would hate to jump in at cut (like I did) then go through all the bloat and then not see results then have to do a reset anyway and start over. I feel like the reset is not just great for your body, but it has helped me get my mind in a better place.

    it definitely has its hard days.....but it goes by pretty fast and I can see more of the other positive changes I would have missed if all I was focused on was losing fat.

    I agree.. go for the reset. I wish I had done that in the beginning rather than sit at my Cut for 6 weeks... now im 4 weeks into reset and I could have been done by now.. Bah!!
    Mentally it can be a bit hard to grasp, but it sounds like you are ready for it..
    And yes, it does come in handy when lifting.. I started NROL4W when I was at my Cut, and I have been doing really well with it while at TDEE.. definitely cant wait to cut to see how my results are!