Weight loss slowing down - am I eating too much?

rachmass1 Posts: 470 Member
Hello, hopefully someone will be able to give me a bit of guidance.

I am 5'2" and currently weight 161 LBS, started at 180 LBS
I never intentionally did the EMTWL thing but did it intuitively as I didn't want to starve myself (been there, done that, know the results).

So, per Scooby my BMR is 1,229 (just went down since I hadn't checked since last 5LBS) and TDEE is 1905 with the 15% cut at 1,620.
Per my Fitbit I burn about 2,100 - 2,200 calories most days of the week, so I had been eating between 1,700-1,800 calories most days.

My routine is mainly walking 3-4 hours each day and some light weights 2-4 times a week. I am just starting to add some interval training into my schedule, very light 10-minutes at a time on the elliptical as I have a bad hip and don't want to end up in trouble again by over doing it.

Anyway, I have lost a total of 19 pounds since mid-January but the past two weeks I have only lost a half pound and think perhaps I am eating too much. I am freakishly hungry all the time though. Probably need to drink more water, but it doesn't seem to help with the appetite.

Should I base my target off of the Scooby site (factored moderate exercise since I am on my feet walking 15-20 hours a week) or should I rely on the Fitbit which may be over estimating? I am right now about 31 pounds from my goal weight of 130, which in itself is not unrealistic or skinny, just a good average weight for an average middle-aged woman.

thoughts? Too much food, wrong timing (tend to eat more from 6-8 PM than earlier in the day), or just not worry that it seems to be slowing down? I had been losing 1 LB per week pretty steadily until this last month.

Thanks for everyone's help in advance, Rachel


  • rachmass1
    rachmass1 Posts: 470 Member
    Helps to input my height in inches instead of centimeters, I knew this looked weird.

    BMR 1401
    TDEE 2172
    15% cut 1846

    this is at moderate. At light TDEE is 1927 and cut 1638

    per Scooby
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    I went to scooby to double check b/c the numbers sounded pretty low to me...I put your stats at:

    HT: 62 inches (5'2")

    I put you at strenuous of 5-6hrs/wk and got these numbers for you:
    BMR: 1396


    At strenuous of 7-21hrs/wk (b/c you walk 15-20hrs/wk):


    Since your fitbit calculates such a high avg as well...I would try these numbers out first....Just my opinion but moderate seems to light for you...Hope this helps!! :)
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    I agree with autumn. With that many hours of exercise, strenuous might be a better choice. Also, have you had any breaks since you started losing weight. Now might be a good time to eat at maintenance for 1-2 weeks and then drop back down to your cut. If you feel like that doesn't help, you might consider a full reset eating at maintenance for 8 weeks. Good luck!

    Wanted to add - in answer to your initial question. No. There's no way you're eating too much!
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    I would probably go closer to your fitbit numbers as well if thats what your consistently getting everyday. If they are your numbers everyday and you mainly walk your fitbit is probably pretty close so I would probably up your calories a bit, and I would try to eat earlier as well.. I think the thing is 4-5 hours before bed get the big meals out of the way.
  • rachmass1
    rachmass1 Posts: 470 Member
    Thanks Autumn, I corrected my mistake of height as I had put inches in the centimeters slot which was why it showed so low. The biggest issue I have been trying to come to terms with is how active I actually am because I am NOT working out, just walking slowly a significant part of the work day if possible. My walks are usually at between 1.3-1.5 MPH which is so light I don't even glow or my heart rate get over 75. Thats why I am adding in some elliptical as a break to get my heart rate pumping a bit.

    Got the FB premium and it says based on what I do from its stats I am lightly active. I don't know about that and think if anything it would be moderate, or perhaps between light and moderate based on time alone. The treadmill desk is really hard to figure out as to what I am actually doing, but if I look at a simple 80 calories per mile then that is 480 calories a day just walking lightly.

    Does this make sense? I am worried that I am eating too much based on reading my activity level incorrectly :(
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    Usually around here if your weight loss slows or stops, its probably from not eating enough. Especially since you added some extra cardio.

    You could also benefit from a 2 week break at TDEE as Sweatpants suggested and then try a 10% cut.
  • rachmass1
    rachmass1 Posts: 470 Member
    I would probably go closer to your fitbit numbers as well if thats what your consistently getting everyday. If they are your numbers everyday and you mainly walk your fitbit is probably pretty close so I would probably up your calories a bit, and I would try to eat earlier as well.. I think the thing is 4-5 hours before bed get the big meals out of the way.

    Thanks, I have been basically eating based on the FB site at a 250 calorie deficit each day or slightly more (never at 500, I am too hungry for that - don't know how on earth people eat so little, crazy!!!). I am going to definitely try to eat more earlier in the day and quit food by 6:30-7 so I get at least 4 hours before bed without anything but perhaps my addiction of popcorn.

    Thanks everyone!
  • rachmass1
    rachmass1 Posts: 470 Member
    Usually around here if your weight loss slows or stops, its probably from not eating enough. Especially since you added some extra cardio.

    You could also benefit from a 2 week break at TDEE as Sweatpants suggested and then try a 10% cut.

    Thanks. Hard to imagine that I am not eating enough though since i am usually right around 250 less than the FB burn for the day. Maybe I'll try a week or two at maintenance to see if anything happens. Thank goodness the last time I did the low calorie thing was 15+ years ago!!!
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    I think too that you should up your cals a bit. That should help to get the weight going again
  • rachmass1
    rachmass1 Posts: 470 Member
    I think too that you should up your cals a bit. That should help to get the weight going again

    Do you then basically eat to what the FB shows as your TDEE? It seems pretty close to Scooby but the issue I keep coming back to is the walking isn't "exercise" per se, as I am going so slowly and the only workout I am getting just started with the elliptical and getting more on track with the light weights (only one set at a time right now).
  • rachmass1
    rachmass1 Posts: 470 Member
    Oooh, edit!

    Just looked at my most recent week on FB and it is now showing my TDEE between 1900-2,200 per day, most right around 2000 so I seem to be burning less than I was 3-weeks ago when I checked it last. So, with FB showing on average 2000 then it seems that 1700-1800 is a nominal cut.

    Would you all suggest then I just take my intake up to 2000 for a couple of weeks so maintenance? I am still averaging 5-6 miles per day but didn't walk as much last week as normal (and on those three mile days I only burned 1900 calories per that site).
  • nannabannana
    nannabannana Posts: 787
    Ok so I am 5' 2"..62 " I input. I walked daily over 10,000 steps, My FB gives me about a 400 daily based on the walk I logged into MFP. The fitbit adjusted rate is what I go by, since I do very little light weights...My calculations per Scooby=
    1257 BMR
    1948 TDEE minus 15 % cut to 1656 cut value

    My net caloriesare always higher than my BMR and I have gained 2 lbs., since doing this 2 weeks ago.
    Does that sound about right for me? Anyone?

    I keep 2 grandbabies and it is hard for me to get back on ..PM me if this is something you want to answer please. :)