Starting a cut in a week...and appreciation for all of you!

wa_tracy Posts: 110 Member
So...I've done 2 weeks of a reset and am going to do one more and then start a cut. I know I know many of you are shaking your heads saying I should do a full 8 weeks, however, never was I at a plateau before I joined all of you, and I just feel it's time for me. I'm no longer having to force all my TDEE calories down. I'm doing well to get them all in, in a healthy way. My plan is once a month to go back to eating TDEE for a week to keep my body regulated.

But also, I just wanted to say how happy I am that I found this community. I was so miserable before eating only 12-1300 calories a day. MISERABLE! I knew in the back of my head that it wasn't something I could maintain long term and wondered why I even do it when I was bound to fail...again (It's been a long road of losing and gaining and losing and gaining for me.) But now, I look forward to eating. I don't feel guilty about eating. I'm trying my best to eat nutritional foods. I make protein a priority after a workout and am feeling a huge difference in my body. And I don't get down on myself if I want to have a treat b/c I know that for the majority of time, I am eating very well. Such a huge mind shift for me. I've made the lifestyle change, and I'm never turning back!


  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Best of luck to you. Hope the weight will fall off now:)
    It's goof to take breaks and at at TDEE in between.
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    i'm in the same boat as you. i've been eating at full TDEE since memorial day (plus most of may, i was eating somewhere between bmr and tdee).

    i'm starting my cut on 7/1. the first 10 days of the reset was really hard b/c i was feeling really heavy and bloated, but once i started looking more closely at my macros and my sodium intake, my body adjusted and is loving every last calorie it gets. hehe.

    i plan on bumping back up to full TDEE every 6 weeks.

    are you doing a 10% or 15% cut?

    since i only have 15ish lbs left, i think 10% is recommended but i'm not sure what i'll do yet.