Finding Balance

_stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
Hi everyone!!

Get ready...

Okay, so, I have done EVERY diet out there, and I'm only 22. Its pathetic. But I grew up chunky and have always been teased. My family is also overweight...I can look at cake and my *kitten* gets bigger...LOL!! but, I believe in fact I used to eat 1900 cals/day and lose weight so I know it can be done... anyways, the past week I ate 1800-1900 calories....i felt great...until (as the people on my friends list know)...the weekend came and BAM!! BINGE BINGE BINGE!! i never really go all out that bad but i recently decided to not care as much and not let food take over my life (im very calorie obsessive)...but looks like i let go a liiiittttlllle too much... im talking Costco trail mix (nuts raisins and m&ms...and like... a LOT)....traditional eggs and bacon, toast ect breakfast...dinner at earls..... dairy queen mcflurry....the list goes on...all the way up to over 8000 calories this weekend... now, if i ate 1200 calories per day and tehn binged it would average out a little lower over the week...but 1900x5 and 8000 is wayy over maintenance for me....

now i'm basically writing this for opinions, advice, and just whatever you have to say! i know i could say, "plan ahead and make healthy choices"...but its NOT that easy...for example this week wed i have a comedy show so im going out for dinner beforehand....then friday is a birthday (drinks)....saturday i bought tickets for celebrations dinner theatre wich means pre made fatty meals with dessert...sunday is Canada day... eating out and BOOZE!!...

how do you all deal with this....?? do you just let it happen??? do you really try to find self control??? im usually pretty good about this but for some reason im having a harder time with it now that im trying to let go of my unhealthy OCD relationship with food...

sorry for the rant


  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    Now that I've been tracking my food since last December I know how many calories are in most everything (or I use MFP to look it up before I eat it) and I can't eat more than 500 calories in one sitting without feeling ill. I tell myself that those last bites just won't taste as good as the first and I can easily put the fork down. As for drinking socially, I choose vodka/cranberry or wine and I alternate 1 drink with 1 glass of water. It helps reduce how much I drink which is good for the next morning too!

    I think most of my relationship with food is now very healthy and I've developed habits related to eating. It takes time, but the more you are honest with your diary and see what those events/binges look like, I know it helps me maintain focus on what I really want. To enjoy those times out without feeling awful from eating or drinking too much.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    mcflurry.... mmmmmm.... ok so just my 2 cents since by me we do have alot of celebrations as well, its the summer and for us snow birds we go crazy, what can I say festivals, tailgating, grilling all that good stuff. If ya have a bad weekend food wise (but an awesome weekend fun wise) I would just say move on and try not to do it every weekend, thats how you gain weight.. now if you jump on the scale on monday, well you know what its going to look like.. Just gotta jump back on the wagon, now if you do a 10% cut, maybe you want to go 15% for a week or 2, or just forget about it.

    I can give some advice about going out, thats basically look over the menu and pick something a bit healthier.. burgers sound great but what about something else, a wrap or something along those lines or a smaller ounce steak with vegetables instead of fries or baked potato... if at all possible, dont have dessert but if you do, dont get the richest chocolate one on the menu (I know I know), avoid appetizers that are fried as well (oh calamari...)
    As for the drinking keep in mind that day when your planning your meals that your going to drink and maybe not eat as much food to account for all the empty calories.. try to get something with a diet soda instead of juices or sugary drinks.. they don't taste as good but instead of 400-500 calories its 100-200 (average vodka/diet is 2 oz vodka at 120 or so calories) leaving you more space to have more drinks... Just from the way your week/weekend coming up sounds, your gonna be over
  • trosewine
    trosewine Posts: 88
    Some great ideas here for staying on track. Finding balance with food is a constant process and that's probably why most of us are where we are and why we belong to this site. For me the biggest thing is 1. to NOT deny myself and 2. keep working on making good choices.

    And a good choice can still be Dairy Queen or McDonald's with my friends or family, but I now get the kid size ice cream or just a McDouble. I have come to realize (after years of "less good" choices) that I can savor and enjoy that small thing and be completely satisfied. But some days I go for the Big Mac and fries... :-P

    On the drinking - just be careful with eating less to save up cals - recipe for disaster if you don't eat enough...been there, barfed!!
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    When I go out, I always try to check the menu online first and decide ahead of time what I want to eat. Otherwise, I stick to a salad with grilled chicken b/c nearly every place offers that.

    Many fast food places even offer healthier foods now. I just avoid putting dressing on my salad, excess cheese and croutons.

    My family and friends all know by now how I eat, and the respect that, which makes it a lot easier.

    A lot of other good suggestions on here too. :)