Not sure if I should set to BMR or TDEE

Megn133 Posts: 8 Member
I am going to start doing the EM2WL plan after some time of stalled weight loss/weight gain. As a backstory, I lost 30 pounds over 3 years ago and have, for the most part, maintained my weight loss. I did this through exercise and diet management. I moved back home after graduating college and have a mostly sedentary job, but I still exercise. I'm getting married in October 2012 and was shocked in April to find out the dress I purchased (in October 2011) was much more snug than when I bought it. I am frustrated with starving myself and seeing no results, and thought I had nothing else to lose here.

Currently, I weigh 150, am 5'6", 23 years old and my goal weight is 140 (although I'd honestly be happy at 143 at this point). My BMR is 1506, but I am having trouble figuring out my TDEE. I have a very irregular work out schedule. I have days where I do nothing at all, and then days of craziness: a body pump or spin class and 4-7 miles on a treadmill or other cardio equipment OR about 90 minutes of cardio. Based on that, how should I determine my TDEE? I took a look back through my exercise log and found that I had an average of 500 calories burned in exercise daily. Based on that, would I be under the "moderate" or "strenuous" category?

So, for now I have my daily goal set at my BMR, and I am wondering if that will be enough to do this correctly? I plan to eat back exercise calories and assure that I at least meet my BMR and do not go over my TDEE-15% (once I have that figured out).

Sorry for the long post, and thanks for any/all help!


  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    We actually recommend that you set your goal to your tdee -15%, eat that every day and do not eat back your exercise calories unless your burn is so big that you NET under your BMR. The reason we do it this way is to give your body consistency in the amount of food it gets every day and because it's is a much better method of ensuring that you eat enough calories to sustain daily life that doesn't include BMR or Exercise. When you eat at tdee -15% every day (exercise or not day) you are already at the proper don't have to do any other math. :happy:
  • josephinabonetto
    josephinabonetto Posts: 253 Member
    I have my exercise levels set at 1-3 hrs/wk light, if I do more than that I'll log it and eat those calories back personally.

    I use

    I am in week 2 (week runs Wed to Wed) and am eating at my 15% cut (15% less than TDEE). I have not done a full metabolism reset although I might.

    I play with my numbers weekly and adjust them as necessary, I am upping mine by another 100-150 ish on Wednesday.

    In my first week I gained 1.5 lb, in my second week I lost 1.5 lb. With no calorie change during that period.
  • Megn133
    Megn133 Posts: 8 Member
    Okay so let's play with numbers.
    BMR = 1506
    TDEE (based on moderate) = 2334
    Cut = 1984
    Cut - BMR = 478

    Based on the above, I should aim to eat 1984 calories per day, whether I exercise or not. On days that I do exercise, if I go over 478 (which I do every time I exercise), I should eat back those calories until I reach a net of 1984. Is this correct?
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    i would average out the hours per week.... like if you exercise 4 times per week but you said some are more intense.... say it all added to 6 hours then you would be in the higher range... like for me i only exercise 4x/week so i put 3-4


    ps- welcome to the EMTWL club....its delicous;)
  • Megn133
    Megn133 Posts: 8 Member
    You're talking with a chemist here... I can't just go willy nilly on things :noway: . I have to be precise!
  • divediva2
    divediva2 Posts: 297 Member
    You are on the right track but you should estimate your exercise on the generous side, meaning if you think you may be closer to strenuous then plug that value into the scoobys site rather than moderate. The reason is that you don't want your body thinking you are starving. If it thinks that it will hold onto every calorie you eat.

    Read the sticky pin notes at the top of the discussion threads. Lots of great advice in them. And check out the videos posted on Youtube. There is also a website with some forum discussions and the facebook page to look at for some great advice and support. I am not going to kid you, you may gain some water weight/bloat initially but it will come off. Drink lots of water, watch your sodium intake, avoid processed foods, eat good healthy whole foods and enjoy. Look at adding strength training to your exercise program. You will love how it leans out your body and makes for some sexy looking muscles.

    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! You will rock your dress!
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    Okay so let's play with numbers.
    BMR = 1506
    TDEE (based on moderate) = 2334
    Cut = 1984
    Cut - BMR = 478

    Based on the above, I should aim to eat 1984 calories per day, whether I exercise or not. On days that I do exercise, if I go over 478 (which I do every time I exercise), I should eat back those calories until I reach a net of 1984. Is this correct?

    Almost...everything looks good, except that on days where your burn is more than 478, eat back enough to get you somewhere between your BMR and TDEE cut don't have to NET your tdee cut on those days.

    However, having said that...if you are consistently having to eat back calories, then your activity level chosen was too low. Choose the next activity level up (more active) and use the numbers from that calculation. You should find that having to eat back cals is a rare occurrence, not a common one.
  • nannabannana
    nannabannana Posts: 787
    I find so much from you ladies. Thank you for all your postings. :)
  • Megn133
    Megn133 Posts: 8 Member
    I can't help but notice that most people's weight tickers only show 5 pounds lost... or more commonly zero. I am having a hard time believing that this program works. It seems like it makes you bloat up/gain in the beginning and then you lose it after, which brings you back to your start. I have three months until my wedding, so I don't have a ton of time to devote to a plan that may not work for me. I am going to start eating more calories, but I don't think I can do TDEE-15% in time to see results before my wedding.
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    if you only have 3 months to lose X amount of weight, then you MAY be dissapointed with EMTWL. it's a lifestyle change. you could probably average .05-1 lb per week of a loss...maybe less. yes you can lose on 1200 calories a day, but you arent supposed to lose that fast, and CANT lose FAT that fast, so most of it will be water weight with a combo of muscle/fat... and for me personally, i only joined MFP like 2 weeks ago so thats why mine is 2lb lost. basically started my journey at 165lb, went to 125 by eating 1200-1300 calories (took 6 months) then regained it because theres no way i could eat 1200 for the rest of my i was up to 145 then lost the rest (up to where i am now, 131lbs) eating around 1800-1900 calories. both can be done. one is more sustainable long term. 1200 will get you skinnyfat. cant gain muscle or shape your body with it though.

    basically, do whatever makes you happy!! EMTWL does work, but over TIME, a lot of people want the quick fix. i prefer to have my cake and eat it too ;)

    good luck with whatever you choose :)
  • Megn133
    Megn133 Posts: 8 Member
    I would definitely be more apt to try it if I didn't have this deadline looming over my head! I am getting so stressed over this stupid dress that I am not even looking forward to my wedding. (I am so deliriously happy to be getting married, but not excited for the wedding.) I have no issue with making a lifestyle change, I did it three years ago to lose the weight to begin with. I only want to lose like 7 pounds, I would hope that could be achieved in three months. I don't want to be on a low calorie diet, but I don't know that I can commit to a "high" one right now. Maybe I'll do a happy medium (BMR net goal) until then and devote myself to it more after the wedding.

    Thanks for all the help and support. My first dress fitting is next week and I'm a little panicked. I only need about half an inch of wiggle room let out (which is no issue), but it does feel like failure because this dress fit perfectly before :explode:
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    only 7 lbs in 3 months is SO doable!! i would do exactly what you said you will do (net BMR)...also in terms of training, what works best for me anyways would be 4-5 days of lifting HEAVY and only 2-3 days of cardio, HIIT preferably.

    congratulations on your wedding, you will look beautiful :)
  • Daymia
    Daymia Posts: 57 Member
    With only 10 pounds to go, either way you go may be slow just due to being so close to your goal. That being said, I personally would rather go the route of fueling my body, especially at an extra stressful time!

    Like Stephanie suggested, I would focus on heavy strength training. In three months, I bet you could lose several inches!

    There are lots of success stories here - a whole pinned section of them! I'm sure it's just frustration and uncertainty talking, but remember that not many have replied to you and those that have may be new, like yourself, or may have reset their tickers. Surely that doesn't mean EM2WL doesn't work though! Part of the bloat for people may be after doing a VLCD, which is doesn't sound like you have been doing. I just started eating at maintenance to break a plateau and I can't say I've had any issues with bloat. But every one is different! Do what makes you comfortable and that you feel is the best option!

    Just remember to breath! You will look wonderful no matter what! Only you will know that you needed an extra half an inch of wiggle room - everyone else will just be in awe at how beautiful you look!
  • Megn133
    Megn133 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you for all the well wishes!

    When I was at my thinnest (around 142) I was doing more strength training that I am now. I do a Body Pump class twice a week with fairly heavy weights, but I mostly do cardio. I would be totally fine with trading pounds for inches, so maybe I will start adding into more strength training and lifting.
  • BeauNash
    BeauNash Posts: 103 Member
    Thank you for all the well wishes!

    When I was at my thinnest (around 142) I was doing more strength training that I am now. I do a Body Pump class twice a week with fairly heavy weights, but I mostly do cardio. I would be totally fine with trading pounds for inches, so........I will start adding into more strength training and lifting.

    Fixed. :tongue:
  • mphlab
    mphlab Posts: 187 Member
    I started EM2WL on April 23 and lost 8.5 pounds by June 23rd - I lost the first 23.5 the starving myself way. But you only want to lose 7 "pounds? I did & do have alot to lose, I would not be able to say it works at your last 7 pounds. I think your plan sounds good.-"Maybe I'll do a happy medium (BMR net goal) until then and devote myself to it more after the wedding."

    I think it is not unusual to gain weight right before the wedding if you gain weight when you are stressed. I remember after we got to the room on the wedding night, my husband wanted to join some friends & relatives in the bar. I just wanted to get out of my dress & Spanx! After the wedding is really when to be cautious about weight gain. You can unconsciously eat like him if you do not pay enough attention! Remember it is about the marriage not just the wedding day. Best wishes & congrats to him! don't stress- enjoy this time!