
cmp3400 Posts: 7 Member
Since the book does not discuss it at all, I am curious how everyone feels about eating your exercise calories back?

I am very hesitant to have my "total" calories for the day equal less than 1200!


  • I have wondered this too! My guess is that your net calories should be at 1200/women, 1500/men, as Bob says in the book. But I really don't know. I've been keeping my net in the 1200-1500 range because I'm running a whole lot at the moment, but if I were exercising less, I'd stick to the 1200 net.
  • cmp3400
    cmp3400 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks! I think that is what I am going to do aim for a net of 1200.
  • Undomesticated
    Undomesticated Posts: 14 Member
    I don't think he put another caloric intake level for people who work out because supposedly this is how people eat on the biggest loser and they are working out for hours a day it seems. It is 2000 cals limit for men. 1200 for women...non-negotiable according to Bob. Good luck. If you really truly want to know your metabolism and you can afford it, try out the BodyBug arm band monitor. It can even tell you how well you are sleeping.
  • MandyAnnV
    MandyAnnV Posts: 68 Member
    I have seen something on his website where he does not recommend eating the calories you burn when you exercise.
  • cmp3400
    cmp3400 Posts: 7 Member
    I have seen something on his website where he does not recommend eating the calories you burn when you exercise.

    Hmmmm, I don't quite know what to think about that. If I am only eating 1250 calories today and then I burn 800 in my 2 hour workout, that is really very few calories....

    THANK YOU so much for sharing what Bob's take on this is, I appreciate it (and am now even more confused!!!)
  • MandyAnnV
    MandyAnnV Posts: 68 Member
    I did double check. It is under Bob Harper Live, Think Well Live Well, and Calorie Balancing Video. (It is 9.95 a month for access to the site, but it is so worth it. There are recipes, videos, workouts, and circuits on there.)

    He does say don't eat your way out of your work outs.

    In my personal opinion, I do think that it really all depends on what your goal is, and how much you want to lose.