Week off after Stage 1

tchrmom04 Posts: 84 Member
I finished up Stage 1 on Saturday. I was going to take this week off (I do weights on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday) and just do some cardio classes that I never get to do anymore.

Anyway - it feels weird to not do any weights so I just wanted to see what everyone else does on their week between stages.



  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    I'm curious about responses as well, since I am close to finishing Stage 1. So.....how did you do? Results?
  • tchrmom04
    tchrmom04 Posts: 84 Member
    I did really well! :) I am one of the stupid ones (talking about me only here..lol) that didn't measure or take pictures before I started. So I plan on doing that before I start Stage 2 next week.

    I think I'm taking the week off of weights this week so I am ready to start fresh on Monday. I lift on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. So I'm having fun doing my cardio classes that I haven't had time for since I started lifting. I did spin yesterday - and I'm not sure what I'm doing yet on Thursday!

    Plus - it gives me a chance to research to see what these new exercises are - I've done the same ones for so long now - that doing something new seems scary!
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    I didn't take a week off after Stage 1 and in hindsight, I really wish I would have. I felt kinda weak during Stage 2, tired, not my normal self. I finished Stage 2 last week and am currently on a rest week-just doing some light cardio and catching up on projects around the house. Good luck!
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    I didn't take a full week off after stage 1, but after stage 2 I did. Although during that week I did go on one run and I moved so that was a lot of work. Anyways I found that during the week off I found that I was EXTRA hungry. I think it's because my body was repairing.

    I did the same after stage 3, and when I started stage 4 I felt a little off and weak and was more sore the next day. but this might have been because I was REALLY hungover the day before. Who knows. Anywayyys I always miss lifting while I am on my week off! I don't think it's bad to do a little cardio.