How did you get your breathing under control?

aimeeinohio Posts: 301 Member
I have been doing week 1 for over 2 weeks- well, I got through week 1, did W2D1 (and about DIED!) and had to take the time off for the shins....Since I've been back on it, I've been doing week 1 for a week and a half.

I CANNOT BREATHE. Yes, I've followed my own advice and slowed down as slow as I can. Did W1D3 again today and had to walk 2 of the running intervals.

I've tried counting while Im running, but I just feel distracted, and still can't breathe LOL
I had my hubby go out with me on Sunday, and he was like "DANG! You sound terrible".

So, any advice?


  • jsidel126
    jsidel126 Posts: 694 Member
    Not an expert, not a real runner but just starting to run again...Take deeper breaths that span several running steps. Try not to allow
    yourself to get into a short panting type breath. Fill up your full lung cavity with air then expel it. It should take 3-4 steps for the inhale
    and exhale each. This method allows me to run further as I get into a rhythm, not panting just to breathe. This will take a little time to increase your lung capacity but it will happen relatively shortly.
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    See a Dr. You could have asthma or another condition!
  • darkling_glory
    darkling_glory Posts: 239 Member
    When I can't get my breath I do a three count - in through the nose 1, 2, 3 and out through the mouth 1, 2, 3

    I just told my hubby that I finally understand what he means when he says "I found my breath, the run was good." Once you can find your breath, it will seem so easy!

    If you smoke, you can also try to quit. That will help your breathing.
  • Randyamc
    Randyamc Posts: 365 Member
    Well... I'm a newbie. But what I picked up on another site and have used so far (Just starting on week 2) is 3 deep breaths in and 2 deeps breaths out to match your steps. Breathe from your belly and not your chest.
  • cnphel0
    cnphel0 Posts: 45 Member
    I've had seriously problems with breathing when I jog and went to talk to a doctor. I have exercise induced asthma. It's not that uncommon. I take something for it now. And I breath just fine when I exercise. You might want to get it checked if you can't seem to break through it.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I agree with some of the other posts. My tips (started C25K five weeks ago so had issues myself so got advice from my marathon-running friend!):

    1. Breathe through your mouth not your nose - you get more oxygen into your lungs this way.
    2. When you breathe push your belly, not your chest out - this gets the oxygen right down deep into your lungs.
    3. Slow down your pace - the trick when starting running is to just getting moving faster than walking. Speed will come later - just get your body used to jogging right now.
    4. If you are having trouble breathing out rather than in (do you feel like you have to force the air out of your lungs?) then ask your doctor/nurse about asthma. Some people never have symptoms at other times but get exercise-induced asthma. I'm asthmatic and just make sure I take all my medication as and when I should do. It hasn't stopped me from running.
    5. Time your breathing with your running - I usually count four in and four out and just focus on pushing my belly out.
    6. Practice your breathing technique when not running - whether when you are doing the warm-up walk or even just sat watching TV.
    7. It will get better - I promise! You're body is probably getting a bit of a surprise right now but the more running you do, the better your breathing will get.

    Let us know how you get on - we're all behind you!
  • aimeeinohio
    aimeeinohio Posts: 301 Member
    To answer some concerns:

    I don't smoke. Never have.

    The breathing, it's like I can't pull in enough air.

    I walked 2 miles today at a decent pace (3.3 mph average, was up to 4 mph) and jogged for 1 minute-that was all I could manage. I think part of the problem for me is the humidity. But, I am going to see the Dr and see if I need an inhaler. I'm hoping once I get some weight off, that the breathing will get better.
  • GiiaSoCrazii
    GiiaSoCrazii Posts: 66 Member
    These are great tips. I cant wqit to try this on wed.. W2D2 I also can't seem to keep my breathing under countrol.
  • EPhinn
    EPhinn Posts: 119 Member
    That does sound like exercise induced asthma. That's exactly how I feel when I forget to prime with my inhaler before I start working out. I hope that you can get it figured out when you see your doc. I know eucalyptus oil is good for a variety of breathing issues. If you're having problems breathing, you could always slow down and maybe carry a paper towel with some on it in a sandwich bag when you go for a run.
  • yallcallmedeb
    I agree with the suggestions and your plan to see your doctor. Make sure that it is not a medical condition!

    Do you time your running? You say that you run as slow as you can but can you tell us what your pace is or your miles per hour? You should be going about 4-5 MPH at most!!! I am learning that you actually CAN run slower than you think is possible!

    It does sound medical to me. Good luck and let us know what the doctor says!
  • aimeeinohio
    aimeeinohio Posts: 301 Member
    I agree with the suggestions and your plan to see your doctor. Make sure that it is not a medical condition!

    Do you time your running? You say that you run as slow as you can but can you tell us what your pace is or your miles per hour? You should be going about 4-5 MPH at most!!! I am learning that you actually CAN run slower than you think is possible!

    It does sound medical to me. Good luck and let us know what the doctor says!

    Yep, i have a Dr appt next week.

    I do time my running, I use the C25k app (Zen Labs). My walking speed is usually 3.3-3.5 mph when working out and my running speed is usually 4 mph. I have gotten up to 5 mph and while I was very excited, I thought I was going to die!! LOL Alsong with C25k app I also run a pedometer app that tells me my current speed and average speed and time and some other stuff. My speed usually averages out to 3.5 when the work out is finished.