Day 6 - June 25th - Cleanse America

taylor0204 Posts: 357 Member
Here we are on Day 6 - just past the half way mark of the 10-Day Cleanse. I wanted to start this week off completely prepared with all of my food items but I did not make it to Whole Foods this weekend. So today I decided to finish whatever fruit and veggies remain from last week. I had a smoothie ( celery, brocolli, grapes, banana and coconut milk) for breakfast. As I was entering my brocolli in MFP, I have a one spear of brocolli the complete head of brocolli or one spear removed from the head?

I ate watermelon, cherries and cucumber slices for lunch. I had a salad filled with as many raw vegetables as I could locate. I did not exercise today but plan to run tomorrow.

Hoping things are progressing well.