EM2WL doesn`t meant eat that much more!

JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
In my search for the right numbers I went too high an activity level, did a reset, gained 5 lbs and now am back into my cut at a slightly higher number than MFP originally proposed to me. No I haven`t lost the weight yet, so what am I doing posting here?

I found out I never stuck to one thing long enough. I would always do it for like, a week and give up. I always exercise but the food gets me.

I ate 2900 cal for 6 weeks. I was eating cheese and nuts at night to make it. It never felt right. I re asessed at 6 weeks, did my numbers again, and got 2173 to lose and 2450 to maintain at my goal weight. I`m 5'8" 37 yrs old. I am looking at taking 300 days or so to lose my 26 lbs.

Those of you with fitbits and stuff, I think going by your TDEE on the calculators is a better bet. You would think the technology would be more accurate but it really only goes by a formula. I think it tends not to incorporate rest breaks of the overall intensity of what you do. HRM would be more accurate. But will you be monitoring yourself the rest of your life? I hate the word lifestyle change, because I am already an active person but I still need to change. I`m not living a bad lifestyle there are just a few things I need to change. One every couple weeks is really all I could handle. And now I feel good doing something good and knowing all I need to do is get out there, give my body time to cope and wether it is 3 weeks or 3 months I am still going to be here and not suffering through a diet. I will just be doing what I like to do. I have already made all the changes I need to in the last 7 weeks. Now I just have to stick with them and things will fall in line.

I really thought I could lose at 2500 but I think it would take a really long time. One year is already enough. And what EMTWL taught me was, ummm, I was already eating too much. That was hard to admit. The reason I was not successful at weight loss is that I was eating too much. And when I was dieting I didn`t do it long enough to see results. I got caught up in the minutea of weight loss. Protein powders, eat often, fast, fad diet, don`t fad diet, don`t count vegetable calories, etc...

So those of you out there, doing a reset, or eating more. Keep doing it. Always give yourself 6 to 8 weeks with any new thing. Keep overall trends in mind, not just this weeks weigh in. A year is not too long. Not at all.


  • sugarplumj
    sugarplumj Posts: 107 Member
    perfect timing! I just started week 6 of my reset with cut, and was starting to despair a bit. i still don't know what i do after 8 weeks, but i guess we shall see! you are right--it takes time.