Thanks to EM2WL

swati37 Posts: 145 Member
i sincerely thank the people responsible fro EM2WL.. i have been starving my body from the last 7 months to loose weight avoiding foods i love and just trying to loose weight. but EM2WL gave me a new perspective of looking at the weight loss journey.
I have suddenly started loving my food. i suddenly do not worry about the calories and see more other than calories. i actually understood the nutritional value of food..
i dont feel starved. i eat something healthy every 2-3 hours. have 5 meals a day and then i broke my plateau of weight 69- 70 kgs. and lost 1 kg weight with not starving and have built stamina.. now i can run for longer because my body is not deprived of food and energy to run..
though i still have a long way to go. i just thought i want to thank everyone responsible for EM2WL to make me understand a healthy way at looking at things..

Thank you
