Yes or NO

lforner46 Posts: 103 Member
I have watched the EM2WL video and forum topics. I'm not sure if I fit this group. I do not starve myself. Although I do exercise almost everyday, I average 1300 to 1400 calories, some days less, some more. Obviously, if I do 700 calories of exercise, I eat more that day. According to EM2WL, I am not losing weight because I am are "starving" myself.

My personal trainer who won body building contests a few times, claims I am not losing weight because I am eating too much. I am very confused.


  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    If your only eating 1300-1400 cals plus exercise and not eating any of your exercise calories back then I highly doubt you are eating too much, quite the opposite. I always ate around 1800 cals and didnt eat my exercise cals back....and am still doing a reset as I feel in the long run I will benefit from it. Read thru the stickies and make up your own mind....just remember this is a long term resolution not a overnight one...good luck :)
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    Also keep in mind unless your personal trainer has done seperate studies....personal trainers are not nutritionists.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Read one of these:

    New Rules of Lifting for Women
    Lean and Hard
    The Smarter Science of Slim
    The Eat Clean Diet (ignore diet plans)

    That way you can make an informed decision :flowerforyou:
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 344 Member
    Read one of these:

    New Rules of Lifting for Women
    Lean and Hard
    The Smarter Science of Slim
    The Eat Clean Diet (ignore diet plans)

    That way you can make an informed decision :flowerforyou:

    agreed. i read it on this site over and over but it just all clicked when i read the explanation of it in plain print in "New Rules"
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    If your only eating 1300-1400 cals plus exercise and not eating any of your exercise calories back then I highly doubt you are eating too much, quite the opposite. I always ate around 1800 cals and didnt eat my exercise cals back....and am still doing a reset as I feel in the long run I will benefit from it. Read thru the stickies and make up your own mind....just remember this is a long term resolution not a overnight one...good luck :)
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    My personal trainer who won body building contests a few times, claims I am not losing weight because I am eating too much. I am very confused.

    I agree with other's that you probably aren't eating enough.. Love this statement, just ask sometime to him/her (I assume its a guy) how much they ate when they were training for the contests and how many supplements/performance enhancing items they took.. If it was heavy lifting, probably 4000 calories or more a day and supplements nonstop.
    Just another example of a trainer/gym selling you the whole deal and not giving the best advice to people.
  • lforner46
    lforner46 Posts: 103 Member
    My personal trainer who won body building contests a few times, claims I am not losing weight because I am eating too much. I am very confused.

    I agree with other's that you probably aren't eating enough.. Love this statement, just ask sometime to him/her (I assume its a guy) how much they ate when they were training for the contests and how many supplements/performance enhancing items they took.. If it was heavy lifting, probably 4000 calories or more a day and supplements nonstop.
    Just another example of a trainer/gym selling you the whole deal and not giving the best advice to people.

    She is 4'11 and around 120 lbs of solid rock. She still lives the lifestyle of working out 6 days per week, circuit training but not heavy lifting. She has never taken steriods. She just passes on her own experiences to me as far as getting the fat off so you can see the muscle.
  • lforner46
    lforner46 Posts: 103 Member
    If your only eating 1300-1400 cals plus exercise and not eating any of your exercise calories back then I highly doubt you are eating too much, quite the opposite. I always ate around 1800 cals and didnt eat my exercise cals back....and am still doing a reset as I feel in the long run I will benefit from it. Read thru the stickies and make up your own mind....just remember this is a long term resolution not a overnight one...good luck :)

    I always eat back my exercise calories unless I do both circuit training and cardio the same day (which is rare). I'm too hungry to not eat back the exercise calories. So my grosse calories are usually 1600, minus 300 of exercise calories leaving me with 1300 and I am barely losing weight.

    I will read the 'New Rules" recommended here though.
  • jquijas
    jquijas Posts: 222 Member
    The only thing I would say when it comes to personal trainers (and I don't know yours at all) is sometimes they need to "sell" themselves, the easiest way to make themselves look good and to guilt you into continuing to see them is to blame you for not losing the expected weight.
    Other than that I agree with everyone else you have to make up your own mind obviously everyone in this group is bias to the EM2WL philosophy but ultimately it comes down to you and your body. The people that fail are the ones that come here for the "quick" fix. This is more of a lifestyle change not a "fad" diet. Good luck!

    SFC Q
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    Read one of these:

    New Rules of Lifting for Women
    Lean and Hard
    The Smarter Science of Slim
    The Eat Clean Diet (ignore diet plans)

    That way you can make an informed decision :flowerforyou:

    I couldn't agree more. Not all "trainers" actually know what they are talking about.
  • divediva2
    divediva2 Posts: 297 Member
    I also go to a personal trainer, she has also competed and trained for the past 20 years. Her advice is vastly different from your PT. She thinks that you need to feed your body healthy foods and enough to fuel it so that you can lift and live! She is also learning about nutrition and very well read on the subject. We do not agree on everything but we do agree to compromise on those things that have come up that we do not see eye to eye on. In other words we are flexible. That is key to a good working relationship.

    My advice to you, feed your body. Read the information and think for yourself. A few things that I believe, I have to live this way for the rest of my life, and I do not want to exist on 1200 calories a day. I have to lose a significant amount of weight so it will be slow, so my skin will be able to shrink along with me. I will be able to maintain the loss at the end because I will be eating enough calories to keep me happy and satisfied.

    Good Luck.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    If she is 4ft 11 and a full time exerciser, of course based on HER experience.. you are probably eating too much (this is based on her experience)

    unless you are also 4ft 11. You need to eat more.

    Do your #'s and then give it a try!
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Most trainers I have seen are full of it up front. They are selling themselves. If you are not seeing results, they get the boot and they know that. This is why they usually stick you on ridiculous low cal plans up front. So you see immediate results.

    The last trainer I ever had, put me on a 1300 calorie a day diet and 5 days of cardio a week (and said i shouldnt do strength training).. Mind you I was almost 300 lbs at that time.

    I am a grown *kitten* man, and failed miserabley fast at eating 1300 calories a day. incredibly lethargic, slept all the time couldn't think straight.
  • lforner46
    lforner46 Posts: 103 Member
    Thanks for everyone's replies. I went to the scooby calculator - its says my BMR IS 1425, TDEE is 1960 and To lose weight, to eat at 1568.

    I WILL TRY IT - and see what happens.