conversations with dietician, therapist...



  • victoriousnrltm
    I didn't do a reset either so I don't have that experience. However, I did almost double my calorie intake including....gasp...carbs over the last 2.5 weeks & I haven't gained a pound. It is honestly completely mystifying to me. I was prepared to gain & I may still but really I just wanna be healthy. I have way more energy & stamina eating at this level. I have seen gains in speed, stamina, & strength. Also, I hate being hungry! BTW Last year I lost 30 lbs then after November, nada just the same 3 lbs up & down even though I was working out harder than ever. If I maintain here I'm fine with that if I lose the last 10lbs great I honestly don't care. I need a food lifestyle that works & enables me to do what I want to do. What do you want to do?
    Here's my list!
    play hard with my boys
    run 5k
    100 burpees without stopping
    a full extension pullup
    black sash in kung fu
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    i didn't do a reset but started eating my cut since March.. I only gained about 2-3 lbs at the start and then it promptly started coming off slow and steady. I've lost 14 lbs and 4-5 inches overall. I've been doing this since March.

    The beginning is the most challenging. its a total psychological battle to go against everything we were ever taught about dieting and weight loss. the fist 6-8 weeks your body is going to be confused and its not going to do what we expect it to do.. but if you stick it out and eventually move into your cut value.. it will fall right in line with the plan...

    Slow and steady weight loss.

    My advice... read ALL the stickies over and over again.
    "what to expect" " why you should eat above bmr" etc..

    Training your brain to realize its ok to eat is as important as feeding your body.

    Definitely this.. the mind games can be a huge killer. It goes against everything we have ever been told about weight loss. Eat Less, move more.. thats the general mentality.. BUt once you know the science behind how the body works, how much food it needs just to survive, then it makes more sense..

    For instance, if you look at a nutrition label, it says "information based from an average 2000 calorie diet.." That means the AVERAGE person should be eating about 2000 calories to maintain.. so why are we so sure, we need to eat 1200.. 1300.. 1400 cals??
  • divediva2
    divediva2 Posts: 297 Member
    It is difficult to explain but I know this, I feel good. I have lost 5lbs. I am eating healthy food. I don't hate my food. I don't snack uncontrolled in the evening. I sleep well. I have energy. I am now able to do my strength training program and not feel exhausted.

    Why, because I am finally feeding myself. It is really important.
  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
    As a new social worker here I just want to say that we can be wrong :)

    I graduate with my MSW in December :) But I'm right there with you- social workers can definitely be wrong!!

    To everybody: thank you for all of your responses. I've read and re-read all the stickies and I know there's logic behind this- I'm just hitting the 3 week utter-exhaustion phase and beginning to doubt that I'm doing the right thing. I *think* my activity level is correct- I work out 5-6 days a week for an hour at a time, except if I go 6 days I split two of the days into shorter times, so I'm at the 5-6 hour of activity level, putting my TDEE at 2655. I lost 60 pounds by eating pretty low calorie (definitely netting under BMR) and maintained it for about a year. I started slowly gaining weight as I started to eat more. So I know the reset is the right thing, I'm just really impatient and always need reassurance :)
  • divediva2
    divediva2 Posts: 297 Member
    When I was at the 3 week mark I needed it too, just keep reading those notes and watching the videos. They got me through to now, I am in week 8! You can do this. Keep posting when you need to.
  • PittGatorJD
    Just seconding what has been said here already...Don't give up! I've been EM2LW for about 4 weeks now. I've jumped my calories from 1500 a day to close to 3800, and while I haven't lost any weight I haven't gained a lb either. However I have gotten smaller in the right areas, and bigger in the areas I wanted to get bigger. Workouts are stronger, and I feel great. Don't fret! This works!
  • Saelina
    Saelina Posts: 129 Member
    Just seconding what has been said here already...Don't give up! I've been EM2LW for about 4 weeks now. I've jumped my calories from 1500 a day to close to 3800, and while I haven't lost any weight I haven't gained a lb either. However I have gotten smaller in the right areas, and bigger in the areas I wanted to get bigger. Workouts are stronger, and I feel great. Don't fret! This works!

    Nice job pitt!
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Just seconding what has been said here already...Don't give up! I've been EM2LW for about 4 weeks now. I've jumped my calories from 1500 a day to close to 3800, and while I haven't lost any weight I haven't gained a lb either. However I have gotten smaller in the right areas, and bigger in the areas I wanted to get bigger. Workouts are stronger, and I feel great. Don't fret! This works!

    That is just freaking awesome!
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Just seconding what has been said here already...Don't give up! I've been EM2LW for about 4 weeks now. I've jumped my calories from 1500 a day to close to 3800, and while I haven't lost any weight I haven't gained a lb either. However I have gotten smaller in the right areas, and bigger in the areas I wanted to get bigger. Workouts are stronger, and I feel great. Don't fret! This works!

    WOW!! How's that for some inspiration!!!
  • danipals
    danipals Posts: 143 Member
    I am just beginning here and have no personal success yet to share but for the people interested in the science of, it I can point you towards a book I just finished a book called The Smarter Science of Slim by Jonathan Bailor. The book is written by a man who took the past ten years of studies and explains them. The important part is that he goes beyond the studies that have been picked up by mainstream media and repeated over and over. He reports that it is not about how much you eat necessarily but about the quality of your food. (Warning: he thinks we do not need grains and that may irk some people.) He feels the same way about exercise that it is quality over quantity. I definitely had my "ah-ha" moment because I was feeling frustrated that I had just finished training for a half-marathon and netting1400-1500 calories and didn't lose a single pound!

    Now I leave for vacation this week and will start following EM2WL and add more lifting when I get back.
  • mphlab
    mphlab Posts: 187 Member
    I have been doing EM2 ZWL since April 23, 2012, I lost 8.5 pounds since then. The first week I lost a pound, second week I lost 1.5 pounds. Third week scale went up but I never recorded it so I do not remember how much. By three weeks after I recorded that second loss, I was down another pound. The next week after my gain I was trending down already but it took a couple of weeks the go below where I had been. This is from diet alone, since I had the stroke I walk only when I need to, I cannot really exercise at all. It trends about a pound a week. Lots of folks seem to change to EM2WL because of plateau. Not me, the low calorie diet was working (23.5) physically but mentally I was liking my reading that people said they no longer had the urge to binge. Could I eat more some days - sure. I am 44 & sedentary so my calories are not as high as some! But I used to remember going to bed hungry every night before and I do not miss that. And contrary to what I read my primary goal IS weight loss. With my "sanity" being a close 2nd. Even before when I lost 58 pounds on the VLCD ( & I mean Very Low- I was on a physician supervised protein shake fast) , I was always waiting for the other shoe to drop. I may still feel like that when I get to my goal but somehow I do not think as much.

    I am all about doing what works as long as you are not hurting yourself or anyone else. If you hang in there - you may join the rest of us by having success. Personally, I try to only talk to others that get it - too much hating out there out there. Good luck!
  • mphlab
    mphlab Posts: 187 Member
    Ps - I never did the full reset - this was eating between BMR & TDEE-15% cut.