Exercise and Medifast

Sharonh964 Posts: 1 Member
So... I hear lots of conflicting advice on this. What do u guys think! Exercise or no when on program?


  • gleahy77
    gleahy77 Posts: 38
    I started exercising last week. I have been doing about an hour of cardio a day. I spoke to my health coach and we have decided that I have to change to a 4 & 2 program because I was not getting enough calories and I was hungry! Now with the 2 lean and green meals a day I am feel better and am not hungry! I am considering working out with a trainer and spoke to one at the gym I go to last night and he is not a fan of the Medifast program. I need this discipline though and I need to stick with it. I will have to add an extra bar or two here and there if I feel hungry but otherwise I am feeling great and know that working out is only going to help with my heart health but also with not having the flabby skin as well. Just make sure you are drinking a LOT of water! I good rule is to drink half of your current weight in ounces. For example if you weigh 200lbs then you should be drinking 100oz of water a day.
  • I go to a Medifast center with certified Medifast peeps. They say no exercise during first 3 weeks so your body can adjust to lower caloric intake. After that, you add exercise slowly. If you get jittery or hungry, they say you are pushing too hard & need to scale back time or intensity until you can work up to it without extra food. I tend to like their suggestion because the extra L&G earlier in the day, or even splitting L&G, makes me hungry as the day goes on & more apt to eat more than plan.
  • goldendoodle1
    goldendoodle1 Posts: 9 Member
    I was fine doing low key things like walking on the 5&1. When I started running (couch 2 5K) I added a cheese stick on those days, but still stayed under 1000 cals. It was fine, but I couldn't do more than the couch 2 5K 3x/week until transition. When I started eating more, I could exercise more.

    I lost 120lbs on medifast in 11 months on the 5&1.
  • LastSixtySix
    LastSixtySix Posts: 352 Member
    So... I hear lots of conflicting advice on this. What do u guys think! Exercise or no when on program?

    The first two or three weeks, no. But not giving your heart the exercise it needs beyond that is dangerous for your cardiovascular system. I restarted cardio after my 2nd weeks was finished and I verified with my physicians assistant and physical therapist. Both of them said the same thing. I have so much excess fat on me (my BMI is "moderately obese" and I weigh 201 and am 5'4") that they said I could workout light intensity for 2 hours each day and my body would not go into starvation mode. Additionally, when I asked, they said at light intensity definately do NOT eat back the calories or you just defeat the weight loss effort. Light intensity equals keeping the heart rate between 50 - 70% of maximum. They said definately do not go into fitness mode or what I was doing, which was between 70-90% of maximum heart rate because then my body would quickly begin to pull from lean muscle and tissue and leave the fat alone. Definately don't want that!

    That's what my medical team said and I've been doing that for 3 days now and feeling GREAT! I was starting to get real hungry in the afternoons but now that I've added my cardio back, the exercise satiates me and I'm not hungry. The key is to focus and don't overdue it and keep within the light intensity bandwidth. Remember, your goal is NOT to win a physical race but to lose the excess pounds. Once you get the excess off and have learned to maintain it for awhile in transition, you can start to increase your intensity.

  • gleahy77
    gleahy77 Posts: 38
    I like your all plans better! I may go back to the 5 & 1 plan and just cut back on my intesity! I like the structure of the Medifast program for me and I do enjoy working out and how I feel when I work out but I was feeling very hungry. I was also pushing myself in my workouts as well! What are your opinions on strength training? Should I just do light to moderate cardio while I am on the 5&1 or can I do the strength training as well? My ultimate goal is weight loss, obviously, but I don't want to stall my weight loss by working out too much and eating too much!
  • marjolycookie
    marjolycookie Posts: 90 Member
    I am pretty sure you are supposed to exercise, just not really hard since you're eating so little. Everything in the Medifast literature encourages light to moderate exercise in order to attain a slim and healthy lifestyle.

    But I'm not a good example, I don't exercise at all.
  • gncguru
    gncguru Posts: 1
    I was excercising before going on the plan, but I did cut it way back due to the resticted calories. I lost 30 pounds in three months and achieved my goal, so I wil say that this worked well for me. I do beleive that some degree of exercise, if done properly and timely, will have a positive effect.
  • jeepie98
    jeepie98 Posts: 114 Member
    I agree with gncguru. I was an exerciser before MF so I just cut back. Of course everyone has different circumstances & goals so do what's right for you....and listen to your body it's always right!
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    For now I am focused on dropping the weight thats why Im paying for this unique program right? As well I have more energy so I am moving my body more and more everyday...on the 5 and 1 you will drop 2-5 lbs a week on the 4 n 2 not so much...so once I get down to goal weight then I will up the exercise once I start adding back more calories in the maintenece phase....you are taking in 800-1000 calories why go and burn 300+ makes no since right...So for me my personal choice is to wait until Maintenence and my body is not flabby Im down 72lbs and I look great!!:) From a 18 to a 9 was 268lbs when I started Aug 20,2011:) Goal is to get down to 168 by this Aug 20th and that will be 100lbs down in a year!! Plus everytime I exercise I gain and then freak out cause I weigh daily:)
  • gleahy77
    gleahy77 Posts: 38
    For now I am focused on dropping the weight thats why Im paying for this unique program right? As well I have more energy so I am moving my body more and more everyday...on the 5 and 1 you will drop 2-5 lbs a week on the 4 n 2 not so much...so once I get down to goal weight then I will up the exercise once I start adding back more calories in the maintenece phase....you are taking in 800-1000 calories why go and burn 300+ makes no since right...So for me my personal choice is to wait until Maintenence and my body is not flabby Im down 72lbs and I look great!!:) From a 18 to a 9 was 268lbs when I started Aug 20,2011:) Goal is to get down to 168 by this Aug 20th and that will be 100lbs down in a year!! Plus everytime I exercise I gain and then freak out cause I weigh daily:)

    The number 1 reason that I exercise is so that I don't have the flabby skin. The number 2 reason is because it makes me feel great! I was actually just thinking this morning about taking a week off of exercise and strictly just focus on staying 100% on plan for the week and see how much I lose. I have been very busy with being out with family and friends over the past few weeks and that is when it is hardest for me...when there is all that food around. I did have a friend tell me that I may have to just avoid outside gatherings for awhile until I know I am strong enough not to cheat but I don't feel like that is an option. It will not only affect me but my children who love to be with their grandparents and cousins.