Literally JUST joined and a few ??s

amberaz Posts: 328 Member
So, I am thinking this might be just what I need. I am up about 7lbs from what I was a year ago (I am 5'3" so that is kind of a lot) I got off track a little with my eating and working out and gained a couple of pounds last fall and once I got back into working out and watching my food after the holidays, I couldn't seem to lose any weight or inches, so I basically said F$#& it and started eating whatever I wanted as long as I was working out. Well that was fine and I was maintaining, but then I had some health scares and a major home remodel which totally threw off my workouts for about 6 weeks, and that brought me another 2 extra pounds to fight. I am seriously SCARED to DEATH of putting back on the 40lbs that I lost 5 years ago (using another logging site).

So I plugged into to the Scooby calculator with 3-5 hours per week of moderate exercise and here's what I get
BMR 1396
Maintain 2164
15% Cut 1839

My stats are:
30 yrs old
118 lbs :( I feel very thick at this weight, I know it seems low to some, but it's a bit too much on my small frame
23% body fat (per military calculator thing)
Target weight 110-112 but more specifically to decrease fat and keep or increase muscle

Here's my hang up
I am going on vacay for 8 days in a week and a half, and then probably for another 7 days at the end of July. Should I start with the TDEE Reset, start with 15% cut, or just hold off at least until after this first trip? My weekly workouts consist of Chalene Extreme 3 times per week plus a short steady cardio on those days, usually one circuit type workout from Chalene, a short HIIT Cardio once per week, and a longer steady cardio once per week. It adds up to about 5 hours broken up over 6 days every week. For the past 2weeks I have set my MFP net calls to 1300 and have been eating back a large percentage of my exercise calories, considering that this method has worked for me in the past. NO weight loss at all, if anything I have gained a little. Granted, I feel better since I am eating MUCH cleaner but UGHHH.

Any advice?



  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi and welcome to the group.

    You calculated all your numbers already, so that's great!
    You are saying you are netting 1300, right?
    Your BMR is 1396
    Your TDEE is 1839 with the 15% cut.
    So you are eating way too little. You don't even net your BMR by eating 1300 kcal.

    At EMtWL we recommend to eat your cut value which is 1839 cal. If you have not been onl ow cals for long you should be fine with it. If you still don't lose you could try the 10% cut and up your cals a bit.

    Also please read through all the stickie posts. There is a lot of info about the EM2WL concept. This is not a quick fix to lose it's a change of lifestyle which sustainable for the long haul.
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    Thanks! I am not looking for a quick fix at all. I actually just want to find a way to keep my weight from creeping back up as it seems to every so often. 5 years ago I changed my lifestyle from being sedentary and filled with processed and fast food to being active and eating natural, whole foods 90% of the time. I mean really, I just went through an entire kitchen remodel without eating out once :tongue: I just need a calorie plan that will help me to keep my weight, BFP, and fitness level where I want them. EMWL seems like it will be helpful to me because eating low calories is just not working anymore.

    Thanks again for your help!
  • mturgeon05
    mturgeon05 Posts: 204
    Honestly, I would do a reset for 8 weeks and enjoy your vacations! Then, when you get back, start your cut. I think your body will appreciate the consistency after being at such low calories, and you will appreciate the ability to not stress about it on vaca.

    *You can expect to gain a bit when you do the reset...just FYI :smile:
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 344 Member
    Honestly, I would do a reset for 8 weeks and enjoy your vacations! Then, when you get back, start your cut. I think your body will appreciate the consistency after being at such low calories, and you will appreciate the ability to not stress about it on vaca.

    *You can expect to gain a bit when you do the reset...just FYI :smile:

    THIS. i initially upped right around the start of a vacation and it was perrrrrrfect!