How to plow thru a wall

kay_bear52 Posts: 71 Member
So far so good....I have lost 5 lbs and feel great. More energy...I'm eating at least my BMR and do work hard each week to get close to my TDEE-15%. It's hard somedays but I don't go below the BMR!

I have hit a brick wall and have been playing with the same 2 lbs for a little bit.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to plow thru it. I just have (as of this morning) 2 lbs to get out of the 160's and finally into the 150's which is my first goal. But these pesky 2 lbs just don't want to leave me.

Would love any feedback and suggestions. Thanks


  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi there and well done you!
    Awesome work.
    I think you should try to up your cals. Go for the TDEE-10% and see if that gets you through your plateau.
    Lowering cals and/or increasing exercise would probably get you the opposite effect of what you are hoping to achieve.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I agree with Noor, Increase your cals... hit that Cut value daily. Your body is still holding on to fat because you still arent feed it everything it needs...

    As for the mental wall.. Ive hit it three times now, and Im still standing:) It can be incredibly frustrating and painful. But know that this is short term pain for a lifetime of gains. I never want to diet again, so as much as it pains me that I will not be getting smaller shorts this summer, and I fear sitting in an airplane seat next month, none of it will matter in about 6 months..I will look fabulously smaller for christmas:)