Do you ACTUALLY READ the profile?



  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I have a few redlines..but all of them are things people lie about so I don't even bother looking anymore:
    1. no smokers (people lie and then say well, I was trying to quit when I wrote that)
    2. no separated guys (many guys lie about this and tell you on the first or second date)
    3. I'm looking for someone active in church (many people say that, but haven't been in ages)
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I read every profile, for the simple reason that I don't have time to go out on senseless dates. So when I see she's a smoker (sorry, but that's a red line for me), or I get the impression that she's not so bright, or she's looking for a guy without kids, or a Republican (ha, just joking... kinda), I can save us all a lot of time.

    This is a great point! At the same time, I suspect more people in this forum wouldn't be complaining about being dateless if they would just go out, even if s/he doesn't appear (at first blush) to be Ms/Mr. Right. May not work for everyone, but when I'm going out for some reason I put out a "come ask me out vibe" and get hit on during daily life more often than when I'm not going out.

    One guy appeared to be a total "looking for sex-only" snake from his pictures but was willing to do a lunch date so I figured I had nothing to lose. When we met in person I was pleasantly surprised that he had a cool NOTW tat and we really had fun. Some unfortunate issues make us incompatible, but I told him I'd introduce him to some of my friends.