Hi I'm new. Day 7 Atkins - Freaked out a little last night.

terrib100 Posts: 6 Member
I've been doing pretty good...losing on a sort of low carb, low fat, lots of exercise way of eating for the last 4 months. Down 22 pounds. I've found my calorie counts creeping higher and I was cheating more so I decided to kick start my discipline and try the Atkins plan to see how my body responds. I need to lose at least 40 more pounds. I've done pretty well until last night when I had a stress binge on Triscuits and bean soup PLUS some low carb/high fat eats. But I'm back to it today.

Question: My system is used to quite a bit more fiber (if you know what I mean) and even though I use a generic Benefiber supplement, I'm having some...um...distress. Does anyone have any suggestions regarding regularity (or lack of)?

I haven't had my weigh-in yet so I don't know what my first week loss will look like...hope I didn't mess up too bad last night. I weigh in on Friday. I've been following some recipes approved for induction - cheese, cream, meat - all the stuff "dieters" avoid. It's kind of scary. I find myself wondering if it really works, but I check the blogasphere and apparently it does. I know I need to be careful about the amount of cheese and cream. Although the cheese is what attracts me to this plan. If it weren't for cheese I'm not sure I could do it.

Anyway, if some folks here want to describe their low-carb success and offer some encouragement and tips, I sure would be happy to listen. My brain is having a hard time wrapping itself around this way of eating.

Thanks for listening :)


  • Anelj
    Anelj Posts: 12
    I have had alot of sucess with having a MIM every morning and lots of green veggies with lunch and dinner. For me that is the key to stay regular.....and of course lots of water I try to do 10 cups a day.

    Good luck!
  • terrib100
    terrib100 Posts: 6 Member
    What's a MIM?
  • terrib100
    terrib100 Posts: 6 Member
  • Shanon78
    Shanon78 Posts: 18
    Last year my husband lost about 65 pounds doing this... in about a year. I lost about 25 pounds doing this in just two and half short months!! It can be done and works!! I fell off the wagon to say the least!! I keep coming back to this WOL because I KNOW it WORKS!!! We didn't do low fat just low carb. Some low fat stuff. We didn't go way overboard with the fats but we had alot fats in some of our meals!! Our meal plan looked something like this!!

    Breakfast: bacon and eggs
    Lunch: grilled chicken and salad with ranch
    Dinner: steak with green beans with butter in them
    Snacks: cheeses, cream cheese, pepperoni slices, macadamia nuts, almonds, walnuts, water lots of water, and diet sodas

    We ate a lot of grilled chicken during this time!! Alot of fresh veggies and occasionally we would have a few strawberries. But this was only one or two strawberries at a time. We had tuna a couple times a week. But I have heard that tuna can be bad for you if you eat too much.
  • praxisproject
    praxisproject Posts: 154 Member
    Bump for the fibre article --> see previous post