Skip stage 6 or miss a month before stage 7???

Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
I have a bit of a scheduling problem here, although it's a nice one- I get to escape from the end of the middle eastern summer in mid august for a month. The trouble is, that's right around the beginning of stage 7 for me if i continue at my current rate.

If I skip the optional stage 6 I'll be ok, but i wanted to do it to maybe achieve a chin up!

Do we think it would be ok to miss a month partway thru stage 7?? Seems a bit long to me.

I'm tempted to skip 6 at this point, go thru stage 7 and then after my hols go back and do stage 6. Does that make sense? Right now I'm nearly done with stage 5.

On my month off I won't have any gym facilities, so will be doing outdoor stuff and improvising in the home.

Any insights would be welcome please xxx :flowerforyou:


  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    Stage 6 is MOSTLY upper-body work. So, if you want to carry-on with MORE "balanced" work, I'd skip stage 6, move onto Stage 7, and then pick up the Stage 6 work when you return.

    My $0.02
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Thanks Beeps.

    Think I'll do that. Just hoping it'll be ok to hop into stage 6 after a month off, might do a few build ups first from the other stages.
  • kcfaber
    kcfaber Posts: 123 Member
    I skipped it and I'm still plugging away at chinups and pullups. I think it's totally fine. And 7 is brutal in its own special way.