EM2LW food choices

PAZlady Posts: 59 Member
Hello, I'm new to this group. It sounds too good to be true that I can actually eat more and lose weight. I've been on WW and lost and gained it back. I've been on MFP for over a month now and only show 2 lb loss. I was getting so frustrated with not losing and wondering how I could actually eat less than what I was until I found this group.

According to my BMR/TDEE info I can actually have 2000+ cal per day. I'm 5'9", 53 yo, 228 currently. I work out 4 - 5 times a week. My normal schedule is Monday - walk/run on treadmill, Tuesday - yoga 1 hr / elliptical 20 mins, Wed - 1 hr zumba, Thursday (1 hr weight class sometime - I don't go all the time), Sat - 1 hr zumba / 30 min elliptical, and Sunday - zumba & sometimes 1 hr yoga class.

This is the first week I've upped my calories and I'm a bit apprehensive but I'm crossing my fingers for anything to work. I know that I have to be patient and give it 3 weeks to see a change so I'll do my best. It's actually nice to be able to add avocado back on my sandwich again instead of dry or mustard only. I realize that I really need to pay attention to what I eat and no junk food. Also I really need to watch my sodium intake. I never realized a dill pickle was so packed I was just looking at calories only before.

Anyway my question is since I have quite a few cals to use daily is alcohol (wine specifically) okay to incorporate into my menu or is it really discouraged? The one time on WW when I did lose all my weight I gave up wine completely but I find that I don't want to live the rest of my life that way. Thanks in advance for any advice you can give.


  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 575 Member
    I am probably in the minority here, but I drink wine every night. Probably too much of it. I make sure to eat really healthy...lots of protein, veggies, fruit and calcium...and incorporate the wine into my calorie allowance. I'm eating approximately 1850 cals per day, and I've lost 7 pounds (and lots of inches...like 2 1/2 off my waist and 2 off my hips) in 6 weeks eating more. And drinking wine.

    Oh, and I exercise way less lately. I was doing 50-60 minutes of cardio per day 6 days a week. Lately, I've been lifting 3 days with a short 20 minute cardio session after, and a 40-45 minute walk one other time during the week.

    Of course, I don't know if it will work for you, but it does for me.
  • gjriddle
    gjriddle Posts: 46 Member
    Welcome!! And congratulations on your decision to follow a new path! I'm a fellow former WW-er, and having been with the EM2WL philosophy for just 3 weeks, I say it's a great plan. And I drink wine. Vodka, too. Sometimes even beer. (EDITED: to say, I'm really not an alcoholic.... promise! :smile:)

    I was eating about 1200-1300 calories per day previously, but have increased to 1800-2000 per day and so far my weight has stayed exactly the same (as far as I know.. I weighed myself before starting and my trainer weighed me last week..), but have lost 2 inches off my waist and 1 off my hips. I feel better and I have way more energy to work out! I'm starting a lifting program tomorrow with my trainer and am super pumped about it!

    Regarding the wine, my theory is: if you love it, enjoy it! No one ever got anywhere denying themselves the things they love, so enjoy your wine in moderation and I think you'll still see results. I would think that dry wines are probably a better choice than sweet ones, just because of the extra calories from sugar, but whatever floats your boat! Make your plan something you can live with EVERY DAY, not just "while you're on a diet" because diets don't last.. lifestyles do.

    Good luck!!!
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 575 Member
    Exactly. Some people budget for cake. I budget for wine.
  • slammy1079
    slammy1079 Posts: 97
    I don't have a drink every day, but I do have a beer or a glass of wine (or sometimes even a non-sugar-laden cocktail) several times a week. I try to make better beer choices, however - I used to drink a lot of IPAs, but discovered that they are super-high in calories. I try to drink more summer beers and pale ales now. You'll NEVER get me to drink "light" beer - blech!
  • PAZlady
    PAZlady Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks for your help.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Exactly. Some people budget for cake. I budget for wine.

    Me too!
  • Exactly. Some people budget for cake. I budget for wine.

    Me too!

    Me three!!
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Me Four!!! In fact, I had a nice glass of wine with some girlfriends this afternoon! I just make sure it fits into my calories and macros and I'm set.

    My attitude is that nothing is off limits! This is not a diet, it's a lifestyle. I could never permanently give up wine, cake, cookies or any of the other foods I love. So I just incorporate them into my daily menu. I eat clean 95% of the time so I allow myself treats and/or splurges whenever I'm in the mood.

    Life is short...enjoy yourself (but just pay attention that it fits into your daily calorie count and your macros!!)
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Count me in the wine drinkers club :)