Heel spur! Oh no!

Minkyboodle86 Posts: 27 Member
I swear whenever I find something I love something goes haywire. Took up running about 4 months ago and had the 5k birthday race to myself all set up for october, now my left heel is giving me lip. I know it's a heel spur, the generalized pain, limping (somedays), the weeker and more anexity causing my runs have become since I want to push but cannot. :.( it makes me sad. I ice it multiple times a day, rest more often than not and wear coushioned shoes all the time! As well as anti-inflammatories.. Will the pain ever go away?! :(


  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    having never had a heel spur I couldn't tell you how long recover would be.

    Are you flat footed?

    what type of running shoes do you have?

    have you ever gotten running shoes professionally fitted.

    what about orthotics?