20 Tips to Mass Gains



  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    20 Tips to Mass Gains
    By Chris Aceto

    1) Pre-Training Punch
    Hitting the iron like a pro? Take in hefty dose of easy to absorb proteins and carbs 60-90 minutes before gym-time. The combo exerts anti-catabolic effect protecting your hard earned muscle while sparing muscle reserves of energy called glycogen. Good bets: 25-35 grams of whey protein mixed into a large bowl of cream of rice cereal or plop ? cup of fat free cottage cheese on top of a large baked potato.

    2) Gouge After Training
    Done training? Hit the kitchen! Training initiates a state where large amounts of carbohydrates and protein can be absorbed and utilized for muscle growth ? more so than any other time of the day. Try eating 40 and up to 65 grams of protein ? depending on your size ? and .5 to .6 grams of carbohydrates per pound of bodyweight

    3) Cycle Carbs
    Really hard trainers need roughly 2 grams of carbs per pound of bodyweight daily, though some will need 3. The best approach: eat 2 grams per pound of bodyweight daily for 4 days and on the fifth day, go to 3. The reason: cycling carbs not only helps keep you lean, but can keep growth supporting hormones like insulin, GH and thyroid levels mildly higher translating into grater growth.

    4) Cheat
    Pro Bodybuilders often take a cheat day ? they?ll pick one day out of every 2 weeks and just go wild ? eating anything and nearly everything they want. The results? They grow even better. Why? When calories zoom upwards, the body responds by increasing insulin ?like growth factor (IGF) which not only help repair muscle tissue but assists in creating brand new muscle fibers, called satellite cells.

    5) Creatine Load
    Case closed; creatine works. It increases muscle strength and size. However, cycling it, 2 weeks at 5 grams a day, followed by 4 days off then 2 days at 20 grams might trick the muscles into holding greater amounts. How so? With a creatine ?deficit? the machinery within the body that stores it, works overtime. With a greater dose ? 20 grams ? muscles sop the stuff up and retain larger amounts.

    6) Leucine
    Leucine is one of the three branched chain amino acids, but this one takes top billing. It increases insulin ? the muscle building hormone ? independent of carbohydrates- helping to reverse muscle breakdown. Try taking 5-7 grams 20 minutes before the gym and another 5 grams after.

    7) Lucky Seven
    Bodybuilders make better gains eating 4-6 meals a day and even better with 7. Multiple meals supplies non-stop muscle building nutrients without setting off fat storing hormones and enzymes associated with larger, infrequent meals. The other plus: cortisol control. The many meal approach suppresses cortisol levels, the hormone that can suppress muscle growth.

    8) Beef
    When dietary fat is kept under control, it makes room for a much higher carbohydrate. Contrary to popular bodybuilding mythology, carbs are essential and are extremely anabolic in that they increase insulin levels, a potent anabolic hormone. That said, don?t skimp on beef ? though it?s a little higher in dietary fat. It?s packed with B vitamins, minerals, zinc and iron making it a must-have food for muscle building.

    9) Go Fish
    What do Tuna grade sushi, baked salmon, and grilled trout have in common? They?re loaded with special fast called omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3?s fight muscle inflammation, spare glutamine levels and increase the anabolic response to insulin. The result: recovery and growth. Try 4-6 ounces 3 times a week.

    10) Pump It Up
    What do Viagara and the amino acid arginine have in common?. Yep, they both work at, well, you know. They do so by increasing nitric oxide production, a compound in the body that allows blood to flow. Ever hear of the pump, the gorging of blood into muscles when you train? That?s a solid stimulus for growth and nitric oxide is a chief facilitator for better pumps.

    11) Crush The Cortisol
    What?s the opposite of anabolism? Catabolism - losing muscle - is accompanied by a rise in cortisol, a stress hormone that chews apart your hard earned mass. A trio of supplements taken after training can squelch its devilish rise. Try 1000 mgs of vitamin C, 400 ius of vitamin E and 800 mgs of the quasi fat called phosphatidylserine.

    12) NightTime Morsels
    What?s the best thing to eat before bedtime? You need protein to help repair tissue and 2 sources lead the pack. Casein can linger in the body for up to 7 hours ? delivering sustained release amino acids for nighttime growth. Omega-3 proteins are a close second. The fat content delays the absorption of all the amino acids ? providing constant delivery while the special fat is reported to support growth hormone release.

    13) Glutamine and Sugar
    Try this post training drink within 5 minutes of your final set. Ten grams of glutamine and 30 grams of carbohydrates ? from dextrose or even sugar to kick start growth. Glutamine supports the carb-up process which signals an end to muscle breakdown and sugar kicks up insulin levels, the potent hormone that is extremely effective in reversing tissue damage.

    14) Protein!
    The single most important factor in growth, protein supplies amino acids, the building blocks the body uses to repair, rebuild and mend damaged muscle tissue ? the result of training. Aim for at least 1 grams per pound of bodyweight per day and for maximal amino acid uptake, break your protein meals into 5 to 7 servings.

    15) Play With The Protein
    Did you know reducing your protein intake that to .6 grams per pound of bodyweight for 4 consecutive days out of the month might be helpful? During the shortfall, the body ?fights? to protect its muscle by releasing enzymes and messengers that oppose muscle loss. When you return to a higher protein intake, the body overcompensates and retains more protein for added growth.

    16) Carbs are Essential!
    Don?t you let anyone tell you, you don?t need carbs for growth! Heck, they play an essential role in muscle building. First they provide fuel ? and repairing the body is a fuel-requiring process. They also increase insulin, which, in turn increases other growth promoting hormones and enzymes. Carbs are also stored as muscle glycogen the essential form of fuel for brutal workouts.

    17) Zinc
    What?s the most underrated nutrient for mass building? Zinc. It helps the body make insulin, testosterone and it supports the immune system. It also is required for over 200 other enzymatic reactions in the body. Not bad huh? Problem is; it?s sometimes hard to get a full 18-20 mgs a day. Best bets; oysters, beans and seafood.

    18) Milk
    Low fat or skim, milk is a complete source of protein, and highly anti-catabolic. The amino acids in milk digest slowly ? which makes it ideal in preventing muscle breakdown. Plus, milk exerts a repartioning effect ? where calories become less efficient at making body fat ? which means they are either used to build mass, or simply burned off the body.

    19) Potassium
    Potassium helps muscles contract and assists in the manufacture of muscle glycogen, the reserve fuel tank within muscles and liver that supplies energy to muscles. A low potassium intake can short circuit your ability to carbo-load your muscles. Since potassium is stored within muscles, it?s speculated that ? like creatine and glutamine ? it adds to the total amount of water muscle can retain and store. The benefit; more water in muscles facilitates an anabolic environment causing greater muscle growth. Good sources include lean meat, yogurt, bananas and potatoes or try supplementing with 1000-1500 mgs daily split over 5-6 meals (200-300 mgs over any 5 meals)

    20) Drink
    Water is the medium for metabolism; getting nutrients to muscles and helping to detoxify the body of metabolic waste products that can put a drag on growth. Water builds glycogen reserves, blood volume, and directly supports growth by signaling anabolic mechanisms in muscles for greater protein synthesis. A gallon a day is what the big boys drink; from Cutler to Coleman, you?ll find water is not for wimps.

    No credible research showing creatine cycling does anything, once muscles are saturated

    Leucine is most often touted as the anabolic BCAA not because of it's effect on insulin but the activation of the mTOR pathway

    Increased meal frequency for better body comp?

    Arginine? lol

    Liu TH Et al. No effect of short-term arginine supplementation on nitric oxide production, metabolism and performance in intermittent exercise in athletes. J Nutr Biochem. 2009 Jun;20(6):462-8.

    Greer Et al. Acute Arginine Supplementation Fails to Improve Muscle Endurance Or Affect Blood Pressure Responses to Resistance Training. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research: July 2011 - Volume 25 - Issue 7 - pp 1789-1794.

    Walberg-Rankin J, Hawkins C, et al. The effect of oral arginine during energy restriction in male weight trainers. J Strength Cond Res. 1994;8:170–7.

    And oral supplementation of arginine isn't that great at increasing blood arginine levels

    Schwedhelm Et al. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of oral L-citrulline and L-arginine: impact on nitric oxide metabolism. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2008 Jan;65(1):51-9.

    "The change in l-arginine AUC was about as pronounced after oral l-citrulline administration at a dose of 0.75 g twice daily as after a twofold higher dose of oral l-arginine SR (1.6 g bid) and a twofold higher total daily dose of l-arginine IR (1.0 g tid)"

    Glutamine and dextrose for your pwo shake?

    Carbohydrate does not augment exercise-induced protein accretion versus protein alone. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2011 Jul;43(7):1154-61



    Our data suggest that insulin is not additive or synergistic to rates of MPS or MPB when CHO is coingested with a dose of protein that maximally stimulates rates of MPS
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    I participated in sports in high school and college. I know what 245 lbs looks like. Are you 6"9, or 6'8?

    That's what I was thinking.

    I'm not sure how much you weigh but you look bigger than him.
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    LOL, Chris Aceto is in the broscience hall of fame.

    Then again, it's hard to tell when a supplement shill is being serious.

    Bro Science FTW
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    The only way he is 245 at that BF is if he's 6'4". at my height of 5'11" and single digit BF, 245 would almost make a fairly serious national level competitor.

    I'm 200, similar BF, and bigger lmao.
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    The only way he is 245 at that BF is if he's 6'4". at my height of 5'11" and single digit BF, 245 would almost make a fairly serious national level competitor.

    I'm 200, similar BF, and bigger lmao.

    Honestly 6'4 not even because Vernon Davis is 6'3 and 250 lbs.


    I'm sure you know who he is since he plays for the 49rs.
  • run2jeepn
    run2jeepn Posts: 183 Member
    I participated in sports in high school and college. I know what 245 lbs looks like. Are you 6"9, or 6'8?

    That's what I was thinking.

    I'm not sure how much you weigh but you look bigger than him.

    5'10 190lbs
    Bounce from high 9's to high 11's BF%.
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    I participated in sports in high school and college. I know what 245 lbs looks like. Are you 6"9, or 6'8?

    That's what I was thinking.

    I'm not sure how much you weigh but you look bigger than him.

    5'10 190lbs
    Bounce from high 9's to high 11's BF%.

    You're in great shape.
  • ADHDentrepreneur
    Ha.. Broscience. Yes, I'm 6"4'/6'5".. I'm trying to dennis wolf my way into some amateur shows but it's tough as a tall guy.. Looks damn cool when a tall guy finally gets big though. I was 280lbs still showing abs last year. Cut to 230, now building close to 250lbs.. (for the sincere inquiries)
    I'm a certified and insured trainer with a nice client base, this should lead whoever was mocking me teaching many of these basic bodybuilding guidelines to understand this is not a representation of my comprehensive knowledge or teaching. I said I agree with most and teach it as well. Be more concerned with you career, I do well for myself.
    Cheers to little guys like "trojanbb" and guys who have been 35%bf their whole lives like "cessna784".. everyone is tough on the internet.
    At barely 200lbs you are not a big guy unless you're 5'2'.. And then you're still 5'2"..
    I just prepped my friend for a Chicago NPC show. He is 5'9' and weighed in at 208.. they gave him the 199 and under assuming he'd keep dropping water. Caliper test bf @ 3.6%. At my weight all my measurements are bigger than his, and you at 200lbs..

    It's hard to show full muscle bellies at 6'5" but i'm trying! (and doing well so far) Many of these basic tips are valuable..
    It's unfortunate there can't be more comradery in the bb world.. I guess ego. ?? Discussions are good, but not when it's just people talking ****. The only reason I talked about myself at all is bc of the old school sounding guy was talking like a power lifter. He was discrediting the OP without the correct perspective. Beyond scenarios like that I have no desire to bs about being bigger than anyone, so you guys can all pretend to be bigger than the 6'5" guy if it makes for better discussions.. ?? Let's keep it more friendly.
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    Ha.. Broscience. Yes, I'm 6"4'/6'5".. I'm trying to dennis wolf my way into some amateur shows but it's tough as a tall guy.. Looks damn cool when a tall guy finally gets big though. I was 280lbs still showing abs last year. Cut to 230, now building close to 250lbs.. (for the sincere inquiries)
    I'm a certified and insured trainer with a nice client base, this should lead whoever was mocking me teaching many of these basic bodybuilding guidelines to understand this is not a representation of my comprehensive knowledge or teaching. I said I agree with most and teach it as well. Be more concerned with you career, I do well for myself.
    Cheers to little guys like "trojanbb" and guys who have been 35%bf their whole lives like "cessna784".. everyone is tough on the internet.
    At barely 200lbs you are not a big guy unless you're 5'2'.. And then you're still 5'2"..
    I just prepped my friend for a Chicago NPC show. He is 5'9' and weighed in at 208.. they gave him the 199 and under assuming he'd keep dropping water. Caliper test bf @ 3.6%. At my weight all my measurements are bigger than his, and you at 200lbs..

    It's hard to show full muscle bellies at 6'5" but i'm trying! (and doing well so far) Many of these basic tips are valuable..
    It's unfortunate there can't be more comradery in the bb world.. I guess ego. ?? Discussions are good, but not when it's just people talking ****. The only reason I talked about myself at all is bc of the old school sounding guy was talking like a power lifter. He was discrediting the OP without the correct perspective. Beyond scenarios like that I have no desire to bs about being bigger than anyone, so you guys can all pretend to be bigger than the 6'5" guy if it makes for better discussions.. ?? Let's keep it more friendly.
    steroids? 5"9 208lbs and shredded...no other way
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    nvm, not even worth it.
  • run2jeepn
    run2jeepn Posts: 183 Member
    steroids? 5"9 208lbs and shredded...no other way

    Not true, It's very Possible. Maybe not 3.6% BG but at least 6-8% BF at 5'9 or even 5'10 is very possible and has been done many times.
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    Ha.. Broscience. Yes, I'm 6"4'/6'5".. I'm trying to dennis wolf my way into some amateur shows but it's tough as a tall guy.. Looks damn cool when a tall guy finally gets big though. I was 280lbs still showing abs last year. Cut to 230, now building close to 250lbs.. (for the sincere inquiries)
    I'm a certified and insured trainer with a nice client base, this should lead whoever was mocking me teaching many of these basic bodybuilding guidelines to understand this is not a representation of my comprehensive knowledge or teaching. I said I agree with most and teach it as well. Be more concerned with you career, I do well for myself.
    Cheers to little guys like "trojanbb" and guys who have been 35%bf their whole lives like "cessna784".. everyone is tough on the internet.
    At barely 200lbs you are not a big guy unless you're 5'2'.. And then you're still 5'2"..
    I just prepped my friend for a Chicago NPC show. He is 5'9' and weighed in at 208.. they gave him the 199 and under assuming he'd keep dropping water. Caliper test bf @ 3.6%. At my weight all my measurements are bigger than his, and you at 200lbs..

    It's hard to show full muscle bellies at 6'5" but i'm trying! (and doing well so far) Many of these basic tips are valuable..
    It's unfortunate there can't be more comradery in the bb world.. I guess ego. ?? Discussions are good, but not when it's just people talking ****. The only reason I talked about myself at all is bc of the old school sounding guy was talking like a power lifter. He was discrediting the OP without the correct perspective. Beyond scenarios like that I have no desire to bs about being bigger than anyone, so you guys can all pretend to be bigger than the 6'5" guy if it makes for better discussions.. ?? Let's keep it more friendly.

    I just posted a picture of Vernon Davis and he is 6"3 250 lbs and looks twice as big as you. For the record, I competed before when I was 17, 20, 22 here in FL and the highest my bf has been 25 percent not 35. After marriage, and college there were better priorities for me that required my attention as well as raising a child. Other than that I stood next to guys who were 265 lbs at 6'5 in events with minimal water (if you ever been in an event then you'll know what I'm talking about) in their body and they looked way bigger. Either how right now I'm working my way down dropping 2 lbs a week that is non-water, thanks for the hating. As as you trying to downsize Trojan, he is working his way up and you don't need to hate. His size right now is perfect for building muscle and he is on his way up, guy has been gaining some solid muscle. Either how, you carry yourself like an idiot yet you expect these conversations to stay friendly.

  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    steroids? 5"9 208lbs and shredded...no other way

    Not true, It's very Possible. Maybe not 3.6% BG but at least 6-8% BF at 5'9 or even 5'10 is very possible and has been done many times.
    i did not know that was possible. can u tell me some names of natural bodybuilders at drug tested events came in at around 208 at around 5 ft 9. thx. i was under the impression that a shredded natural bodybuilder(5% bf) at 5 ft 9 couldnt be more than 185. thx in advance
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    5"9 200 lbs I seen hundreds of football players who weight that much with low body fat and that I known to be natural.
  • ADHDentrepreneur
    Some people can push the limits of what everyone thinks is possible.. They are called genetic freaks. The guy i referenced is a freak and maintains a real 5%bf all year round, with or without hormone manipulation. We can make a new topic about freaks and personal stats if you guys want.. Let me know.
    Cessna, pm me if you want any nutrition tips or anything, you may be able to learn something from an idiot.

    If this keeps getting bb.com-like, I'll leave the message board. If you guys are here to discuss something we all love and maybe even be productive, i'm in.. I won't waste any more time with the **** measuring ****, however..
    Good post OP, fail for not acknowledging me backing u up when the guy discredited your post tho..
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    Some people can push the limits of what everyone thinks is possible.. They are called genetic freaks. The guy i referenced is a freak and maintains a real 5%bf all year round, with or without hormone manipulation. We can make a new topic about freaks and personal stats if you guys want.. Let me know.
    Cessna, pm me if you want any nutrition tips or anything, you may be able to learn something from an idiot.

    If this keeps getting bb.com-like, I'll leave the message board. If you guys are here to discuss something we all love and maybe even be productive, i'm in.. I won't waste any more time with the **** measuring ****, however..
    Good post OP, fail for not acknowledging me backing u up when the guy discredited your post tho..

    Well Pro BBers use a combination of Cytomel, clen, and other things that I would rather not discuss here to stay in the 5%-8% range. Even the biggest mass monster in the end are not genetically able to maintain a low bf physique like Frank Zane all year round. Ronny Coleman, and Jay Cutler look like pigs during the off season for example. Shawn Ray would stay lean all year round pretty much. Quite honestly, the hardest thing to do even when using Hormones is gaining solid muscle. Kudos to you for being able to look lean the way you do, as I'm sure that you don't need stimulants to get really low in body fat.

    As far as your offer, thanks for the offer dude, you are not an idiot nor am I implying you are. Everything that I know personally is a blueprint of what has worked for me always but i'll keep it in mind. Next year will be a good year for me to get back to what I use to love doing. I am cleaning up this year first and I am eating clean as hell. Dropping 2 lbs a week consistently and it is not water since I lower my sodium before my weight in every week and drink crap loads of water.

    Nice upper body, where is your back shot son? Back is what wins the shows almost 90 percent of the time lol. I'm not sure how long you competed but if you need help for pre-contest preparation then let me know, obviously you probably know what you are doing but I helped a few people in that aspect before.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    ^^Gotta agree.

    The bodybuilders who hold 5% bodyfat are able to do so by staying on a cycle.
    I'm not saying your friend doesn't stay at the level year around, but he doesn't do it naturally.
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    Some people can push the limits of what everyone thinks is possible.. They are called genetic freaks. The guy i referenced is a freak and maintains a real 5%bf all year round, with or without hormone manipulation. We can make a new topic about freaks and personal stats if you guys want.. Let me know.
    Cessna, pm me if you want any nutrition tips or anything, you may be able to learn something from an idiot.

    If this keeps getting bb.com-like, I'll leave the message board. If you guys are here to discuss something we all love and maybe even be productive, i'm in.. I won't waste any more time with the **** measuring ****, however..
    Good post OP, fail for not acknowledging me backing u up when the guy discredited your post tho..

    Well Pro BBers use a combination of Cytomel, clen, and other things that I would rather not discuss here to stay in the 5%-8% range. Even the biggest mass monster in the end are not genetically able to maintain a low bf physique like Frank Zane all year round. Ronny Coleman, and Jay Cutler look like pigs during the off season for example. Shawn Ray would stay lean all year round pretty much. Quite honestly, the hardest thing to do even when using Hormones is gaining solid muscle. Kudos to you for being able to look lean the way you do, as I'm sure that you don't need stimulants to get really low in body fat.

    As far as your offer, thanks for the offer dude, you are not an idiot nor am I implying you are. Everything that I know personally is a blueprint of what has worked for me always but i'll keep it in mind. Next year will be a good year for me to get back to what I use to love doing. I am cleaning up this year first and I am eating clean as hell. Dropping 2 lbs a week consistently and it is not water since I lower my sodium before my weight in every week and drink crap loads of water.

    Nice upper body, where is your back shot son? Back is what wins the shows almost 90 percent of the time lol. I'm not sure how long you competed but if you need help for pre-contest preparation then let me know, obviously you probably know what you are doing but I helped a few people in that aspect before.

    And Shawn Ray was small. He looked huge, but he was 5'7" 215 in contest. Granted, he is very short, but there are PLENTY of short guys today who looking nothing like him and are 20+ lbs heavier.
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    I have seen many fat bodybuilders in person. Ronnie Coleman fat look pretty horrendous. It wasn't because of all the weight but probably all that insulin abuse that made his gut really big. Shawn Ray for most of the year was pretty lean. His offseason weight was probably no more than 20 lbs his weight. Ronnie and Cutler are usually 60 lbs overweight in the offseason or something crazy like that. So anyways, my point is that some guys are able to naturally stay lean with no problems but the rest of the bodybuilders to stay down in a really low percentage use a really nice cocktail. Heck they eat like pigs while on T3 and still lose fat. Some other bodybuilders use a more deadly fat loss aid that is found in explosives and has been the cause of death of many bodybuilders :sad: .

    I included a picture of Lee Priest.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3GB0zkU5Kw&feature=endscreen They both look really lean right?




    This is a job for these guys so they don't have a problem cutting down weight obviously.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    ^^You wouldn't think his chest was that big when you see him at his offseason weight.

    Amazing what an illusion the leanness creates.