Now can't fit in my work clothes

Awesome. Been on this EM2WL thing for about 4 weeks now. Clothes are now almost too tight to wear to work. I've gained 8 pounds and holding steady at 8 pounds.


  • Saelina
    Saelina Posts: 129 Member
    Are you doing the reset or eating at cut?
  • stephbo4
    stephbo4 Posts: 26
  • ouandi
    ouandi Posts: 135 Member
    Is it your stomach or all over that you gained? You may be severely bloated. On the plus side, is that you are holding steady. That is a VERY good thing.

    I have a injury so have dropped a lot of the exercise and lifting. Three pounds came off instantaneously, obviously not fat, just water that my muscle was storing. I have noticed certain peoples bodies hold more water than others. I can seriously hold 10lbs or more and release it in a couple of days. Very hard to get short-term gains or loses. I had to wait 50 days before I could even get a measurement in body fat (and I lost 2%!).
  • stephbo4
    stephbo4 Posts: 26
    All over, but mainly my stomach and hips
  • patty43ck
    patty43ck Posts: 248 Member
    I have gained 5 lbs since starting this as well. I work out 4-5 days a week. Lifting 3-4 out of those 5 and I usually do 15-20 minutes of HIIT on those days as well. I feel very bloated right now and am wondering if I should try to take a few rest days drinking tons of water and eating at a deficit to get rid of the bloat.
  • stephbo4
    stephbo4 Posts: 26
    I don't know, I really don't think it's bloat on me, the reason being is that I have my sodium set on 1500 per day, not the recommended 2500 for MFP. So I don't think I am eating too much salt, even if I go over, I am well under 2500 a day. And I drink a lot of water. I really don't think this is bloat. I do think this is BS though. I have an appointment with a nutritionist on the 19th.