Help me curb the jealousy!

MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
Remember me talking about my friend who is doing that juice diet?'s working for her and it's driving me nuts that my progress is MUCH MUCH slower! Our kids go to the same daycare and while we were both there dropping off our kids, the daycare owner asked her if she'd lost weight and how? UGH!!! Why am I getting jealous? I'm glad I get to eat food, but just wish I didn't have to sit here and watch her lose all the weight and look at me like I am crazy! I know my health benefits far out weigh the speedy weight loss, but I just need a moment to be whiny I guess.


  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    Okay, but the minute she tries to go back to a normal food diet or she goes on vacation or relatives come to visit or there's some kind of crisis, that weight's gonna come back faster than you can say "crash diet." You can make your weight loss stick and still enjoy food. She may not be able to.
  • terrigrace
    terrigrace Posts: 199 Member
    I'm so sorry, that's so frustrating. Beyond frustrating! It's no consolation right now, but when you are dropping off your kids this time next year, or maybe even the year after, you are still going to be strong, toned, and beautiful, while she'll have gained that juice loss back as fat. And she'll be asking you YOUR secret!
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 358 Member
    Okay, but the minute she tries to go back to a normal food diet or she goes on vacation or relatives come to visit or there's some kind of crisis, that weight's gonna come back faster than you can say "crash diet." You can make your weight loss stick and still enjoy food. She may not be able to.

    THIS she's only drinking juice for crying out loud! i bet SHES jealous of YOU b/c you are looking better as well AND CHEWING DELICIOUS THINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Juice diet??? what celebrity gossip magazine did that one come from... Stick with it, cause she won't keep that weight off.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Okay, but the minute she tries to go back to a normal food diet or she goes on vacation or relatives come to visit or there's some kind of crisis, that weight's gonna come back faster than you can say "crash diet." You can make your weight loss stick and still enjoy food. She may not be able to.


    What she said.

    You cant live on juice forever...
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    And this is why I love you guys! You just put a huge :) on my face! You are right! And yes.....she only drinks juice. She takes raw fruits and veggies and juices them with a juicer and that is all she consumes. It's ridiculous. I even showed her how little calories her daily juice is and it didn't phase her. And she's definitely getting flabby because of it since she doesn't work out. So its just skinny fat I guess? Who knows.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I would much rather be strong and healthy (and lose weight more slowly) than skinny and tired/cranky/lose hair/gain all the weight back etc.
  • blynnblair
    blynnblair Posts: 274 Member
    i know how you are feeling, everyone around me is either doing low carb, not eating enough or something else.. this is a lifestyle change not a crash diet. My goals are different from everyone else, i want to be STRONG and HEALTHY not skinny and weak!!

    Just keep thinking about how a year from now when you drop your kids off, you'll be in better place than her. What's she gonna do when the holidays come? you cant really juice Chrstmas Dinner! :laugh:

    You're doing the right thing, keep it up girl!! :smile:
  • sugarplumj
    sugarplumj Posts: 107 Member
    I would much rather be strong and healthy (and lose weight more slowly) than skinny and tired/cranky/lose hair/gain all the weight back etc.


    I also want to lose 25 pounds ONCE, not over and over and over again. Just try not to gloat when you see her in 6 months and she is back in her big pants and you are rockin' Daisy Dukes.
  • DaysFlyBy
    DaysFlyBy Posts: 243 Member
    Okay, but the minute she tries to go back to a normal food diet or she goes on vacation or relatives come to visit or there's some kind of crisis, that weight's gonna come back faster than you can say "crash diet." You can make your weight loss stick and still enjoy food. She may not be able to.

    ^^^ best EM2LM affirmation yet!!!

    I struggle with jealousy, too, especially since I screwed up my reset thinking I was at a higher activity level than I actually am (thank you Polar for setting me straight lol) I was eating up to 700 kcal over my appropriate TDEE and so yeah, undid a ton of my hard work...sigh. At least my body should be very clear that we're no longer starving, lmao. But yeah, hard when I used to be losing more weight than anyone else I knew and looking ripped and now here I am basically behind everyone else I know. :P
  • each_day_stronger
    each_day_stronger Posts: 192 Member
    Obviously eating more fruits and veggies is great, but eating ONLY fruits and veggies, well I'm pretty skeptical. If you're interested in juicing, I would recommend watching Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (it's an instant flick on Netflix).

    They recommend doing a juice detox for a period of time (aka not a lifestyle choice) and personally I think it makes the most sense if you've been eating only junk for years and never eaten a vegetable. For folks who have been gulping down fried food after fried food, a juice break might be a good idea (your body really wants that fiber and those nutrients). But you can't have juice forever, and ultimately if you want to build muscle and not just lose weight (fat and muscle) then you're going to have to eat some yummy protein and fat from time to time.

    For the average person I think a strictly juice diet is not the greatest. If you're obese, taking a bunch of medications, it might not be a horrible idea for some period of time, just to jumpstart your journey. But obviously juice is not a long term solution. Even the juice folks know that.

    Anyway, I know this all seems about weight loss. But really this is about your LIFE. It's about living longer, stronger, better. For some that might mean only comsuming juice for some small period of your life. But aren't you GLAD that it doesn't for you! :) I know I am :) Those green drinks are not my cup of tea.
  • rmk20togo
    rmk20togo Posts: 353 Member
    When the jealously hits remember the joy there is in eating real food with your family and setting a great HEALTHY example for your kids !:love::love:
  • jwkime
    jwkime Posts: 37
    When the jealously hits remember the joy there is in eating real food with your family and setting a great HEALTHY example for your kids !:love::love:

    THIS!!!! I have issues and had an eating disorder when I was younger due to how I was brought up around food and my parents obsession with crash dieting and being the "right" size. I'm proud when my kids say "Mom you eat so healthy!". You are setting a great example for them by fueling your body properly!
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    When the jealously hits remember the joy there is in eating real food with your family and setting a great HEALTHY example for your kids !:love::love:

    That hit the nail on the head! I don't even like this friend talking about it in front of my oldest daughter who is 8. It just shows poor body image and a bad example.
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    Okay, but the minute she tries to go back to a normal food diet or she goes on vacation or relatives come to visit or there's some kind of crisis, that weight's gonna come back faster than you can say "crash diet." You can make your weight loss stick and still enjoy food. She may not be able to.

    THIS she's only drinking juice for crying out loud! i bet SHES jealous of YOU b/c you are looking better as well AND CHEWING DELICIOUS THINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    yup...absolutely this!!!!
  • semeyer
    semeyer Posts: 282 Member
    I did the Dukan diet and lost 8lbs FAST. As soon as I stopped, I put on 12lbs!!! FAD DIETS ARE NOT WORTH IT!!!!!!

    **ETA (misspelled a word)
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    I agree completely with everyone else. I know how hard it is as the secretaries in our bldg are losing weight hand over fist and showing me all their new outfits they buy during lunch break (instead of eating lunch!). They're dropping sizes right before my eyes and it's TOUGH to see them look at me (in week 5 of reset) when I feel as though I've gotten thicker everywhere! I'm there with you in feeling jealous, but more importantly, I'm there with you in this wonderful metabolism resetting that will pay off forever!!!

    YEAH US! We all rock! And soon, all our strength training will be evident as the fat begins to simply melt away once we go to cut. Yippee! Come on July 25th (my 8 wk mark)!:happy:
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I totally agree with what everyone else has said. I have a friend who's lost 16 pounds using that Body by Vi stuff but I know the minute she goes back to eating normally, she'll probably gain it all back and then some. Plus, I can't help but look at her pics and think she just looks like a skinny fat version of her old self. She may be smaller but she's still flabby. I hate to say that but it's true.

    Sure, we're all taking the slow route to losing weight but we'll be leaner, firmer and all muscle....and we'll never have to worry about gaining the weight back!

    Just stick to the plan, my friend!! Eyes always on the prize!
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    I am in 5th week of reset and told my husband this morning that I couldn't wait to go to cut because I KNOW that I'm growing muscle under the fat....I'm stronger with some awesome strength NSV's to prove it. To be able to to melt fat off and show muscle that already exists because I ate enough to build it up in the first place is going to be AWESOME!
  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358
    I lost a lot of weight quickly on a low calorie diet, then put most of it back on again, then proceeded to repeat the process 3 more times before em2wl.
    I have friends doing the same thing still, I have tried telling them but in the end they will have to see it for themselves when in maybe a years time I'm at goal, looking great and ate my way to it : )