Weight training success stories?

tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
Hi, I'm looking to maintain my weight and I am just about to start weight training. I have researched it and apparently it should help me lose inches, but my weight may stay the same or I may gain. I'm looking for success stories, a before and after picture too if possible, I just need a little something to give me that push:)

Also, how often do YOU weight train and how long for?


  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    I started weight training about 3.5 months ago. I went from a size 12 to now a size 8, but I only lost about 5 lbs (well in with the water weight at the moment, only 2 lbs). I went from a size L and XL in shirts to size medium and small, plus I dropped from a 38 bra size to a 36 bra size and a size 9.5 shoe to a size 9 shoe. My bodyfat in total has dropped from 33% (at my highest weight about 7 months ago) to 26% this week. As far as my strength compared to 3 months ago: I can do 8 standard push-ups in a row (25 with breaks) vs 0, I can bench press 75 lbs vs 16 lbs, I can overhead press 60 lbs vs 20 lbs, I can do 7 pull-ups with 54 lb assist vs 96 lb assist and I can hold a standard plank for 90 sec vs 15 sec and full side planks for 60 sec vs modified for 15 sec. I have another set of pictures I'm taking this weekend and if I'm comfortable I'll try to get them uploaded to my profile.
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    Oh and I didn't really answer your question about training. I weight train 3 days a week and run 2-3 days a week (Zombie Run! app). On my weight training days I also do HIIT cardio. Here is my typical workout on lift days:

    -3 min warm up - I just walk on treadmill at 4 mph to get my HR up to 115-120
    -7-10 min core - I do 2 sets of plank work. Standard plank for 1.5 min, side planks for 1 min each side, rest for 30 sec and repeat. I started very slow on this at only 15 sec holds!
    -5-10 min doing push-ups using hundredpushups.com, app is $1.99
    -45 min weight training - rest for 30-60 sec between sets (monitor heart rate, when it gets to 120 I lift again) and repeat each movement for 3 total sets. I usually do 1-2 legs exercises, and 2-4 arm/shoulders/back exercises targeting 4-8 reps with heaviest weight I can lift with good form for 3 sets, using compound movements like squats, overhead press, chest press, lunges, dead lifts, pull-ups, push-ups, and tricep dips. I use NROLFW, NROLF-Abs, Butt Bible (Youtube) and FitnessBuddy (app) to get ideas on what moves to do. I change my routine up every month.
    -10-20 min of HIIT cardio: Get on a bike or an elliptical, or run on a track or outside. Alternate between all out fast as you can, you would rather be fat than go another minute, for 30 sec (I target 160+ heart rate). Recover by walking or going slower for 1-4 min (I target 130-140 heart rate). Repeat 5x. When I first started I did it in 20 min, I can now do 5 intervals in less than 10 min. This has helped me with cutting fat, not getting bored with cardio, and I can run a longer distance because my heart is in good shape.
    -10 min cool down. I use my last session of walking/slow speed from HIIT to bring my heart rate down. Then I spend 10 min of stretching all of my muscles...this has been great for my flexibility.
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Oh yes ! Great success. May be easier for you to read my blog for details. I'm posting from an App so I can't copy paste the link easily. Just hit up my profile.

    Essentially I started heavy lifting in October 2011. I lift 3 days a week. Sometimes ...sometimes I will outdoor walk w/ hills or do 30 mins of spinning 2 days. I rest 2 days.

    Think you will LOVE it. Has been a great game changer for me.
