GOMAD - Does it work?

blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
I'm interested in putting on some weight - maybe 6-8 lbs. in a few more months and was wondering if any of you have ever tried using GOMAD as a method in trying to bulk? GOMAD=gallon of milk a day.

I bulked last winter for 4 months and it was so hard to keep up with all the constant eating. I wanted to put ~20 lbs. on since I was underweight for my height but kind of gave up after ~12 lbs. or so. The continual eating was wearing me down and not to mention, driving my food bill sky-high, lol.

I love milk already and drink a few glasses daily so I figured it's a good way to drink some of my calories when bulking. Just wondered if anyone had used this method and what their thoughts were on it? Thanks in advance.


  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
  • DoctorKyrina
    DoctorKyrina Posts: 130 Member
    1. Stop being impatient. There's no need to bump your own things twice in two days. :P This group isn't exactly so busy as to not have something from 2 days ago be in the top few posts.

    2. GOMAD seems to be for very serious weight gain. The site I was reading was suggesting it would get up to 25lbs in a month. I've admittedly never done it, but it may be better if you were to want to gain more. Try it if you'd like though. I wish you the best of luck.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I really like milk but the thought of a gallon of whole milk a day grosses me out. I bet you'd end up with a lot of fat gain too. But in general whole fat dairy products are a good source of calories when bulking. Try milk, yogurt, cheese, etc. How much were you trying to eat? I did about 3000 calories a day and it wasn't hard for me.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    If you REALLY like milk, and have a problem with eating that much food, sure go for it! As long as your diet is still fairly balanced.

    However, all you really need is the calorie surplus. I'd also be interested to know how much you were trying to eat. It doesn't have to be a huge surplus, especially with only 6-8lbs.
    I gained 16lbs over 6 months last year bulking, this was done with 2800 net. Sure, it was hard some days and I pretty much made myself eat, but most of the time it was easy enough with a bit of planning throughout the day. If you struggle one day, you don't have to make yourself eat it as I did, I'm sure you'll make up for it another day. Also, just like when on a calorie deficit, you can't expect to meet your targets every day, some days you won't and that's ok, you'll still get to your goal if you are consistent :smile:
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    Thanks everyone. You've given me a lot to think about in terms of using GOMAD or a modified version of it to try to gain some pounds. :smile: