Stage 1 questions about modifications

hdsqrl Posts: 420 Member
Hi all,

Today I did my 4th workout (2nd time doing workout B, that is), and I'm hoping some of you have ideas on some of the things I've found:

Deadlift - Today I loaded the Olympic bar with 10# weights on either side. I found that my legs could easily handle the lift, but by the middle of the second set, my hand/grip strength was giving out. I did manage to complete them, but am wondering if I should work on grip strength separately (using a squeezy-grip thing), or if my grip strength will just improve as I go along.

Lat pulldown - I started with 35# and by the middle of the second set dropped back down to 30# because my elbows would try to lock at the heavier weight as I straightened my arms. Think this is a form issue, too much weight, or something weird with my own body? I did have a thorough equipment/form introduction by one of the gym managers when I first started, so I think my form is okay, but what's with the painful elbow thing?

Lunges - The first day I did these, I held 10# weights in each hand, and discovered that while my leg muscles are strong enough to do higher weights, my ankles are weak (car accident crushed both ankles when I was 19, so there are plates and screws in each one.) When I step out, I wobble and have a hard time keeping my balance, but I stuck through it for the first workout and was (happily!) really sore the next day. Today I tried modifying the lunges such that I held one 20# weight in one hand and held onto a bar for balance while I lunged. I also didn't step out and back, but just out and then moved up and down in for 15 counts, then switched legs. I didn't feel like that worked my legs much at all beyond maybe a little in the quads, boo. Ideas for a lunge mod that someone with strong legs but weak ankles might do?

Many thanks in advance!


  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Try dead lifting with one hand overhanded and one hand underhanded. Switch your hands each set. Your grip will get stronger as you go along.

    I'm not sure about the lat pull down.

    You did what I was going to suggest on the lunges, which was to do a static lunge. Could you practice them with body weight until you feel more balanced? Also, it is easier to balance if you make sure your feet are about shoulder width apart.
  • hdsqrl
    hdsqrl Posts: 420 Member
    Thank you so much! I'll try the swapped grip next time. Funny you should note the shoulder-width apart thing on the lunges - I do believe I'm trying to keep them closer than that, and that could very well be the problem.

    Thanks again!
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Sure thing! :)